First I had MariaDB installed on my machine. It is drop in replacement for MySQL, so the packages relating to database connection will still be the MySQL ones.
The python version used was python3.10.11 as a venv. The exact packages installed on this system by order of importance were pip
==23.1.1, wheel
==0.40.0, requests
==2.31.0, urllib3
==2.0.2, django
==4.2.1, djangorestframework
==3.14.0, mysqlclient
== 2.1.1. The packages to reproduce might not have to be same minor release, eg requests
The database "crud_app_db" was created separately using MariaDB as root user. With the root user I create a user "ADjangoAdmin" with a password "1test5". Privileges to the database "crud_app_db" were granted to the user "ADjangoAdmin".
I created superuser with the username "AnAdmin", an email adress of "[email protected]" and a password of "23test56=-".
For the database table CRUD_APP_client_info
I implemented the query as:
varchar(13) NOT NULL UNIQUE, first_name
varchar(50) NOT NULL, last_name
varchar(50) NOT NULL, date_of_birth
datetime(6) NOT NULL, title
varchar(4) NOT NULL, phone_number
varchar(11) NOT NULL, email
varchar(254) NOT NULL)
Note There is a db.mysql file in the root of the repository though empty. It is symbolic, the database used here is part of the system, not the build tree.
Further inclusions were added. Python packages asgiref
==3.7.2 drf_yasg
==1.21.5 pycodestyle
==2.10.0 pycodestyle
==2.10.0 pyparsing
==3.0.9 pyrsistent
==0.19.3 ruamel.yaml
The main URI is at biginsurance/. The path for clients CRUD operations follow from there. Total users on the system can be viewed from standard admin/ URI