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Hugo + Svelte + Tailwind (while using Rollup)

This is a template for generating static website with Hugo, but that uses TailwindCSS and has dynamic components made with Svelte.

How it works

When running npm run build there are 3 stages:

  1. rollup -c will take Svelte components, generate .js and put into ./static folder
  2. tailwindcss -i main.css -o ./static/css/bundle.css --minify will run Tailwind, it will take config from the file, and generate CSS for all .svelte and .html files, put into ./static folder
  3. hugo will generate pages and put into ./public, then it will copy everything (our new .js and .css files) from ./static into ./public

npm run dev will do the same but those processes will run and watch for changes. Whenever a change happends, it will do same stuff as above.

Maybe there is a better way, I am not a frontend dev.

From the beginning

  1. Init empty npm project

    npm init -y
  2. Add dev dependency. It will make it go into package.json

    npm install -D rollup
  3. Add Svelte

    npm i svelte
  4. Write JS and Svelte - main.js and App.svelte

  5. Add plugins - for resolving third-party packages and Svelte:

    npm i -D @rollup/plugin-node-resolve rollup-plugin-svelte
  6. Create Rollup config

    touch rollup.config.js

    It exports Rollup config object. Input - all inputs, starting point of bundling; Output - where the stuff goes; Plugins - plugins (yes, cap)

  7. Add scripts section to package.json to be able to invoke rollup with rpm run x

    "scripts": {
        "dev": "rollup -c -w"
  8. Add HTML

    touch public/index.html
  9. Add server to serve the page

    npm i -D rollup-plugin-serve
  10. Add to plugins in rollup config

  11. Run and check at http://localhost:10001/

    npm run dev
  12. Add live reload

    npm i -D rollup-plugin-livereload

    Update rollup config

    import livereload from 'rollup-plugin-livereload'

Add Hugo

  1. Generate basic site
    hugo new site . --force
  2. Remove dirs that are not needed right now
    rm -rf assets content data i18n themes
  3. Create js folder
    mkdir static/js
  4. Create basic layout:
    • Create layouts/home.html
      {{ define "body" }}
      <h1>Home Page</h1>
      <div id="app"></div>
      {{ end }}
    • layouts/_default/baseof.html
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang="en">
          <meta charset="UTF-8" />
          <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
          <title>My Svelte App</title>
          <script defer src="js/bundle.js"></script>
          {{ block "body" . }}{{ end }}

The idea is that Hugo will look into /static folder and copy whatever is there into /public. So we want nom and rollup to output JS and css into static, so that Hugo will copy it to public.

The workflow

  1. Run npm run ... to process Svelte and Tailwind
  2. Run hugo to copy all that stuff into public directory

Integrate Hugo into rollup

  1. Install additional rollup plugins
    npm i -D npm-run-all
    npm i -D @rollup/plugin-terser
  2. Update scripts section in package.json. This will run Rollup and Hugo automatically. First step - rollup generates JS and puts into /static, then Hugo deploys it to /public
    "scripts": {
        "build": "rollup -c; hugo",
        "autobuild": "rollup -c -w",
        "dev": "run-p autobuild hugo:dev",
        "hugo:dev": "hugo server --bind= -D"
  3. Update rollup config:
    const production = !process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH;
    production && terser(),
    watch: {
    	clearScreen: false,
    	include: 'src/**'

Add TailwindCSS

  1. Install TailwindCss
    npm i -D tailwindcss 
  2. Init Tailwind
    npx tailwindcss init
  3. Adjust tailwind.config.js to pick up both Svelte and Hugo
    content: [
  4. Create style basic file
    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;
  5. Add Tailwind to .html and .svelte files
  6. Update npm run scripts:
      "scripts": {
        "autobuild": "rollup -c -w",
        "hugo:dev": "hugo server --bind= -D",
        "tailwind:dev": "tailwindcss -i main.css -o ./static/css/bundle.css --watch",
        "dev": "run-p autobuild tailwind:dev hugo:dev",
        "build": "rollup -c; tailwindcss -i main.css -o ./static/css/bundle.css --minify; hugo"

Auto-reload works when running npm run dev, also it generates css when running npm run build


Hugo + Svelte + Tailwind






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