This is an example implementation of server and client applications that use ZKP for authentication. Server code can be found in src/server. Client code can be found in src/client.
Run docker compose up
to build and run code in docker. It should print something like that:
client | Authentication verified: session_id = session/OF1aZ78YksCuWgkx
Server code is structured in the way to make bussines logic independent form API and persistence layers.
- src/server/src/api - api related code such as handlers for RPC methods
- src/server/src/domain - contains bussines logic of the app
- src/server/src/gateways - concrete implementation of persistence layer
- src/server/src/ - execution entry point
Code related to ZKP can be found in src/server/src/domain/auth/ and src/client/src/api/