Code for the paper.
- dataset: the name of the dataset from where the splice site comes
- transcript_id: the id of the transcript that that the splice site belongs to; if a site shared by multiple transcripts, it will appear in the table only once
- index: the number of the intron that the site belongs to, introns ordered by their starting coordinate on the + strand
- site_type: "a" for acceptor, "d" for donor sites
- gene_type: either "protein_coding" or "lncRNA" depending on the source gene
- inMANE: 1 if the site appears in a MANE transcript, 0 otherwise
- chr: chromosome of the site location
- strand: strand of the site location
- pos: position of the site, 1-based
- cons_GTAG: the number of species in which the canonical dinucleotides GT/AG are conserved in 470-species whole-genome alignment
- cons_X: the number of species in which the position with the shift X is conserved in 470-species whole-genome alignment. The shift is defined as follows: shifts +0 and +1 correspond to the canonical dinucleotides GT/AT, e.g. for donor sites +0 is G and +1 is T. Positive shifts correpond to positions downstream of the splice sites, and negative shifts to downsteram positions.
- snp_X: the number of homozygous samples that an SNP from gnomAD v4.0.0 database contains located at position with the shift X relative to the site. Shifts are defined analogously to the previous category. This value is 0 if there are no SNPs at this position or it has 0 homozygous samples
- reuse: the number of isoforms of a gene that share this particular site
- conserved: 0 or 1 depending on whether the site is deemed conserved by the model (1 is conserved)
- prob: probabibility of the site being conserved, as calculated by the model