Code for MissDeepCausal paper.
| Main functions
| - gen_lrmf: generate data (Z,X,W,Y) according to LRMF model
| - gen_dlvm: generate data (Z,X,W,Y) according to DLVM model
| Helper functions
| - get_dlvm_params: generate parameters of conditional (normal) distribution of X | Z
| - citcio_treat_out: generate (W,Y) under "unconfoundedness despite missingness"
| - gen_treat: generate W as a function of confounders (with default link = "linear")
| - gen_outcome: generate Y as a function of confounders and W
| (with default link = "linear")
| - ampute: generate missing values under MCAR mechanism
| - miwae: MIWAE as proposed by P.-A. Mattei with additional sampling from Z|X
| using self-normalized importance sampling weights
| - miwae_cv: cross-validation for sigma (variance of prior on Z)
| and for d_miwae (dimension of latent space)
| Main functions
| - compute_estimates: Computes the estimators below on given data
| - tau_dr: ATE estimation via parametric AIPW (using output of get_ps_y01_hat)
| - tau_ols: ATE estimation via regression of Y on W and (covariates or confounders)
| - tau_ols_ps: ATE estimation via regression of Y on W and (covariates or confounders) and PS
| (using PS estimation from get_ps_y01_hat)
| - tau_residuals: ATE estimation via residuals on residuals regression (using output of get_ps_y01_hat)
| Helper functions
| - get_ps_y01_hat: estimate propensity score and regression functions using logistic and linear regression
| - exp_complete: ATE estimation on complete data (X or Z) using estimators from
| - exp_mean: ATE estimation on mean-imputed data using estimators from
| - exp_mf: ATE estimation on approximate latent factors obtained with SoftImpute using estimators from
| - exp_mi: ATE estimation via multiple imputation using estimators from
| - exp_mdc: ATE estimation via MDC (process and mi) using estimators from
| default values for data generation
| - softimpute: Softimpute on incomplete matrix with given regularization parameter lamb
| - cv_softimpute: Returns cross-validation error of softimpute on a grid of values of lamb
| Template for calling all functions of on data
| generated with different sets of parameters (for data
| generation, for mdc and for mi).
| Parameters for the data generation and models are passed
| through flags, run `python --help` to have
| a full description. By default it executes all possible
| parameters.
| *.csv: Experiment results in form of csv files (containing output of are saved here
Note that treatment assignment vector is assumed to have values in {0, 1} (not {-1, 1}).