This is a pytorch implementation of DKNN: deep kriging neural network for interpretable geospatial interpolation
- numpy
- datetime
- os
- pandas
- torch
- tensorboard
- sklearn
- matplotlib
- math
- tqdm
You can adjust the parameters:
- datafile: sampled dataset in folder "Data/dataset"
- batch_size: batch size
- lr: learning rate
- hidden_neuron: [input dimension, model dimension, trend dimension]. Note that the input dimension should be equal to the number of all variables (auxiliary and target) in the dataset
- pe_weight: weight of positional vector
- top_k: top k nearest neighbors
- loss_type: loss function type
- optim_type: optimizer type
- if_summary: if save the training summary or not
- if_save_model: if save the best model or not
Or you can run the demo.ipynb file, which encompasses code blocks for data loading, preprocessing, model initialization, training, and predicting, providing a more comprehensive running example.
The train log and results are saved in folder "results"
Please note that we tested the code on machines equipped with NVIDIA RTX4090 GPU and RTX3060 GPU. We recommend utilizing GPU for running our provided code examples, and different device conditions may affect the results.