This repository contains a basic project setup for the "Clean Code: Naming" training.
This repository can be used with the Java IDE of your choosing and a JRE of version 17 and higher. While renaming and restructuring of the code, the existing tests must be kept running successful. The test code can also be improved but should not be disabled.
Please inspect the Requirements document and extract names for the core concepts and functional units of a possible implementation.
Have a look at the package src/de/inovex/cleancode/diceengine
and its contained classes.
Please improve the naming of structural elements, where possible.
Now, go over to the subpackage src/de/inovex/cleancode/diceengine/probability
and see if you can get to a readable and easily understandable code structure by renaming, extraction of functions and moving parts of the implementation into suitable classes, interfaces, enums and packages.