Programming project of the subject Computer Architecture given in second year of Computer Science Engineering in UPV/EHU.
This is the folders distribution of the project and the contents.
The statment and memory of the project.
We developed the serial version of the program and some scripts to execute the program faster.
This version uses the API OpenMP. Is 20 times faster than the serial version, because we are distributing some tasks in different threads that can be computed simultaneously.
The executions tests done for cheking the different versions of the program.
The results given on some executions, this way you can check the execution of your code.
The time analysis comparison based on the different versions, schedules or thread numbers.
The original idea and the basic material of the project (statement, structure and algorithms, main program and databases) are intellectual property of the Computer Architecture and Technology Department (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU).
The execute may not be the same as the given ones in res1000.out and res.out. We do use a random number generator function and the fucntioning of this may depend on the compiler that you are using.