Just rewrite and add some comment for kerasGRU4Rec, The Original github repository is kerasGRU4Rec
This repository offers an implementation of the "Session-based Recommendations With Recurrent Neural Networks" paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06939) using the Keras framework, tested with TensorFlow backend.
A script that interprets the MovieLens 20M dataset as if each user's history were one anonymous session (spanning anywhere from months to years) is included. Our implementation presents comparable results to those obtained by the original Theano implementation offered by the GRU4Rec authors
Dataset:pls download dataset ml-25m,download and unzip it to folder preprocess/data
then run model.py
The code has been tested with Python 3.6.8, using the following versions of the required dependencies:
numpy == 1.16.3
pandas == 0.24.2
tqdm == 4.32.
tensorflow == 1.11.0rc1
keras == 2.2.4