At the trivium of empiricism, skepticism, and wonder,
I trade code for coin and try to learn a thing or two a day,
Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somewhere, pale Ramon.
I'm interested in linguistic aesthetics, and love neat correspondences between concepts mathematical, structural, and poetic.
One such is that between code and literature (just how well can the former
fulfil the role of the letter latter?).
Or more broadly, how can code help one explain oneself to oneself, and, thereby, to others? (¿Quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit technautopsychexegesis?)
I enjoy denubilating the inenubilable, even when 'tis futile, and I think the word "literally," being etymologically metaphoric ("of the letter"), need not be taken literally literally.
More concretely, I maintain a TypeScript web app at Google used to view CI/CD results within the firm, with a focus on clientside matters and the end-to-end path back to frontend infrastructure. I enjoy troubleshooting and data analysis, especially when I can bring spreadsheets, bash, SQL, and JavaScript to bear in Frankensteinian, or Thesean, ways.
Satellitically, but still technologically, I crawl through data visualization,
Exoplanetically, which is to say, no longer technologically, I love words, play thereon, Old English, music, and TV dramas.