Simple to use package that sets up Python logging. With just a few lines of code get well formatted logging to the console, log file, popup windows and exception services.
Here is a short Presentation on Balsa.
pip install balsa
- Simple to use. Add full-featured Python logging in just a few lines of code.
- Sane default log levels. Single verbose flag. (All levels can be overridden if desired.)
- Both console (stdout) and GUI (popup window) support.
- Log file support. Uses appdirs for log file paths.
- Structured logging via yasf.sf() (optional - you can still use simple strings).
- Sentry support. Just provide your Sentry DSN.
- Informative log message formatting (or you can change it if you like).
- ISO 8601 timestamp format (with fractional seconds).
- Cross platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS). Pure Python.
- Multiprocessing support.
- AWS CloudWatch logs support. Structured logs enable CloudWatch Logs Insights.
from balsa import get_logger, Balsa
application_name = 'example'
log = get_logger(application_name)
def main():
balsa = Balsa(application_name, 'james abel')
log.error('my error example')
This will yield output of this form:
2021-10-24T10:49:04.150790-07:00 - example - - 12 - main - ERROR - my error example
Balsa lumber is very soft and light, with a coarse, open grain. The Balsa package is light weight, malleable, and open source.