Note: osnap has been superceeded by pyship. See
0.0.6 has been released on github and PyPI.
New on 0.0.6:
- 32 bit Windows support
- console app (not just Windows) support
- don't require a requirements.txt (i.e. if your Python program is only using built-ins)
- properly use logging package (drop verbose parameters)
- provide a switch to not create the NSIS installer (just stop after creating the binary)
- version checking
is a way to deliver self-contained Python applications to end users for Windows and OSX/MacOS.
This process is known as freezing and installing. Examples include delivering Python applications to Windows
PCs (both laptops and desktops), MacBooks, and iMacs.
Now on PyPI:
pip install osnap
See the documentation at readthedocs .
James Abel
Eli Ribble