A list of essential projects for Android developers
- YahooNewsOnboardinga project that emulates the on boarding screens from the Yahoo News Digest App
- PinterestView a menu control based on Pinterest
- AndroidVideoPlayer a video player in the NetEaseNews style.
- AndroidSwipeableCardStack a Tinder-like swipeable card stack component.
- Timber a Material Design music player
- GithubTrends a viewer for GitHub trending repositories with Material Design
- BookdashAndroidApp An Android app for the NPO where you can download books in different languages for free.
- Auro an open source music player ###UI Components
- MaterialDateRangePicker A Material date range picker
- MaterialSearchViewlibrary to implement a SearchView in a material design approach
- ExplosionField an explosive dust effect for views
- material-scrolling a library for material scrolling techniques
- FabricView canvas drawing library
- FlowingDrawer Swipe right to display a drawer with flowing and bouncing effects
- nevolution a new way of doing notifications
- EasyImage Library for picking pictures from gallery or camera
- NightOwl Switch between day and night modes
- [PickView] (https://github.com/brucetoo/PickView) a date-picker view just like in iOS
- scissors Image cropping library from Lyft
- AgendaCalendarView Project providing easy navigation between a calendar and an agenda
- BadgedImageview Allows you to show a badge on an ImageView
- loading-balls A highly configurable library to run progress with animated balls
- XRecyclerViewA RecyclerView that implements pull to refresh and loading more features
- animate Meaningful Android animations.
- FinestWebView-Android Customizable Android Activity that shows web pages within an app
- TapBarMenu Library that helps create a tap bar menu layout
- WheelPicker Simple and wonderful wheel picker for Android
- Knife Rich text editor for writing documents in Android
- CircularFillableLoaders beautiful circular fillable loaders to be used for splashscreen
- WaveLoadingView an Android library providing a wave loading effect
- FlycoLabelView a simple Android label view
- scoop a micro framework for building view based modular Android applications from Lyft
- JustWeEngine an easy open source Android game engine
- EffectiveAndroid lessons on clean architecture for your Android app
- beauty-treatment-android-animations a set of examples of slick interaction patterns and animations
- plaid a showcase of material design
- smile Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine
- android-job A library to handle jobs in the background
- login-basicsome login examples using Facebook, Google Plus and custom login options.
- fresco Facebook's library for managing images and the memory they consume
- ReLinker a robust native library loader for Android, for when the default loading leaves you down one too many times.
- AndroidAppCrashFlowChart Creates a flow chart to help solve Android crashes.
- leakcanary Memory leak detection library
- ViewInspector View Inspection Toolbar for Android development
- AndroidWiFiADBa plugin for AndroidStudio that will allow you to ditch your USB cable for debugging
- Nuwa Hotfix your Android application
- fastlane The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS apps
- ScreenshotsNanny A library that helps take screenshots for publishing on the Google Play Store