Common scripts for the synchronization of the CMS analysis of the Higgs decay to two photons
- The definitions of probmva and pho*_EnScale differ. Which do we pick?
- Expand the comparisons as proposed by Pasquale.
- Add the overall yields per fwk and yields per run period per fwk.
- Add vh_had_massjj (?) variable in MIT.
- Add variables pho*_sc{Eta,Phi}
- Fix typos for photon ID MVA input names.
- Consistent axes for cat: Globe on y and MIT on x.
- Count number of unique lumis
- Check exclusive events in 7 TeV (two ttH)
- Check all dijet migrations if they are need boundaries
- plot phiWidth, idmva and probmva on full scale, plot absolute differences
- 8 TeV excl cats: one VH MET event only selected by MIT not understood
- Understand dijet difference
- Understand phiWidth issue
- 7 TeV
- Understand Unique events
- Understand all the exclusive and dijet events
- Reconfirm CiC
- Check location of 7 TeV desync sigmaE events
* Send Josh a number of untagged unique events in both 7 and 8 TeV and desync excl events that have not been understood.
* plot phiWidth, idmva and probmva on full scale, plot absolute differences
* 8 TeV excl cats: one VH MET event only selected by MIT not understood
* Understand dijet difference
* Understand phiWidth issue
* 7 TeV
* Understand Unique events
* Understand all the exclusive and dijet events
9 only Globe: vtxprob, pho1_sieip, sigmamom_wrong_vtx, sigmamom, pho2_sieip, ptom1, dphi, ptom2, pho2_s4ratio
12 only MIT: ele2_pt, pho2_scEta, pho2_cieip, rVtxSigmaMoM, ele2_phi, pho1_scEta, ele2_eta, pho1_cieip, pho1_pfChargedIsoGood03, rho, pho2_s4Ratio, wVtxSigmaMoM