Releases: jcoreio/redux-utils-immutable
Releases · jcoreio/redux-utils-immutable
2.0.0 (2018-06-19)
Bug Fixes
- fix bugs with master branch and upstream (deef956)
- fix path error (772c593)
- fix syntax error (453d7f0)
- deps: update dependency babel-eslint to ^8.0.0 (9afc020)
- deps: update dependency chai to ^4.0.0 (9335cc1)
- deps: update dependency codecov to ^3.0.0 (c2ee059)
- deps: update dependency eslint to ^4.0.0 (#27) (f479688)
- deps: update dependency flow-bin to ^0.62.0 (64d0019)
- deps: update dependency flow-bin to ^0.64.0 (25762f3)
- deps: update dependency flow-bin to ^0.65.0 (defc010)
- deps: update dependency flow-bin to ^0.66.0 (d2d1245)
- deps: update dependency flow-bin to ^0.67.1 (34008d7)
- deps: update dependency flow-bin to ^0.68.0 (52adf8b)
- deps: update dependency flow-bin to ^0.69.0 (33bbad2)
- deps: update dependency husky to ^0.14.0 (5c5e384)
- deps: update dependency mocha to ^4.0.0 (e515ed8)
- deps: update dependency nyc to ^11.0.0 (7092245)
- package.json: fix syntax error (c758632)
- package.json: move codecov to devDependencies (e5c531e)
- package.json: use flow-copy-source (91ca037)
- pollinate: fix missing lodash.merge issue (4c630b2)
- pollinate: fix package.json merging (8707b64)
- pollinate-templates: fix scoped package name (d2e5a40)
- project: make templates for package.json and .travis.yml (a27da9e)
- src: remove index.js.flow (8c9ef50)
- template.json: add and commit changed files after pollinating (e61281f)
- template.json: remove --squash (4ec765b)
- template.json: run git commands from proj directory (b31c4cc)
- convert to poly package (ffaceb7)
- switch to prepublishOnly script (c1b7209)
- upgrade lots of things (7ee3bb0)
- upgrade mindfront-redux-utils to ^2.0.0 (aa87e8b)
- use lodash instead of lodash modular builds (0f2cd11)
- pollinate: add pollinate templates (be0fafa)
- pollinate: merge template fields into package.json (5456a20)
- release untranspiled code in module/ (577d874)
- mindfront-redux-utils has been upgraded to a new major version
- if you are building for legacy browsers with webpack or similar bundlers you
may need to add a rule to transpile this package to ES5.