🐛 Bug fixes
- SECURITY-2307 - do not validate file path to avoid path transversal (#54) @olamy
- SECURITY-2291 - Unprotected Storage of Credentials (#52) @olamy
- SECURITY-2290 - add missing @RequirePOST (#51) @olamy
- SECURITY-2287 - avoid xss storage for server name (#50) @olamy
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump bom-2.263.x from 887.vae9c8ac09ff7 to 961.vf0c9f6f59827 (#45) @dependabot
- JENKINS-66253 - Update the minimum Jenkins version from 2.235.1 to 2.263.1 (#42) @Onyimatics
- JENKINS-66132 - Update the parent pom from 4.12 to 4.19 (#40) @Onyimatics
📝 Documentation updates
- JENKINS-66129 - Correct spelling errors in the README.md documentation file (#39) @Onyimatics
- JENKINS-66140 - Update the README to show that releases are now documented by release drafter (#41) @Onyimatics