python package. a fun program to scramble an alpha and space only message using images of letters.
This began as an exercise for a beginners Python course on Udacity. I looked for the instructor's name to give kudos, but could find it nowhere. If you are new to Python, take the course. The instructor really is a great educator. His videos explaining loops and if else statements were hilarious.
Unless you want to add a fix to strip punctuation and other non alpha characters or an enhancement to accept them, use the happy path for now.
This is a silly, but fun little python package. I'm sure you know some non techie who will get a kick out of it.
Currently, in the asset folder are individual png images of the English alphabet, along with a blank square to represent word breaks, or spaces as I like to call them.
In order for this to work as-is, you will need leave the assets in the existing root folder.
-> import secret_message
-> secret_message.message_scrambler.scramble_message('Pokemon is not a Japanese word', 'c:\secret\scrambled')
-> import secret_message
-> secret_message.message_descrambler.descramble_message('c:\secret\scrambled')