This is a little quickstart for setting up Laravel sites with Gulp asset management (using Sass as the CSS preprocessor).
Check out these sites for individual package documentation:
Set up a local environment however you prefer e.g. using Vagrant, MAMP, local web server etc.
$ cd
into your project's development directory
$ composer install
Edit bootstrap/start.php
Set your environments e.g.
$env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(
'local' => array('your-machine.local'),
The aws-sdk-php-laravel package is only included in the local envirornment.
$ php artisan config:publish aws/aws-sdk-php-laravel
Now set your AWS configuration options in app/config/packages/aws/aws-sdk-php-laravel/config.php
$ php artisan deploy:ignite
This will create deployment configuration files in app/config/packages/anahkiasen/rocketeer/
You can test your connection config with:
$ php artisan deploy:check
See the notes below:
$ npm i gulp
$ npm i -D gulp-util gulp-notify [email protected] gulp-jshint gulp-concat gulp-uglify gulp-rename gulp-gzip
$ gem install bourbon
Then go into app/assets/src/sass
and run:
$ bourbon install
Take advantage of Laravel's environment variable files to protected your commited config files.
An example template can be found in the root directory called .env.local.php.tpl
Simply rename this file to fit your environment, fill in whichever parameters you are going to use and then in the relevant config files e.g. app/config/database.php
you can use $_ENV['DB_HOST']
(dependent on your machine).
If you wish to get up and running using a user table and seed it with a master user, make sure you have filled out the relevant section in your environment config file in Step 9. Then run:
php artisan migrate:refresh
Go to your local domain in your browser...
$ gulp
The default task will watch for changes in the .scss and .js files and process them
$ gulp build
This will run concatenation and minification on the CSS and JS files, gzip them and have them ready for export in the app/assets/dist/version/
If you are having permission problems with Rocketeer you can use acl
on your server. Take a look at rocketeers/rocketeer#85 for some tips.
Also If you have separate environment config directories for your laravel application add them to app/config/packages/anahkiasen/rocketeer/remote.php
'shared' => array(
Firstly build your assets:
$ gulp build
Then use Artisan to push them to AWS S3 (remember we are using S3 configuration in the local environment only):
$ php artisan cdn:deploy --env=local
More to come soon...
Laravel is not included upstream.