NOTE!: This is now explicitly a neovim repository as I am moving to init.lua and lazy.nvim More details will arrive in a future commit.
This configuration is designed to be useful for working with C/C++ as well as dynamic languages like Ruby, Javascript, and Python.
Plugins are managed using lazy.
Most of the settings use sensible.vim as a baseline. (TODO: is this required in neovim anymore?)
This repository is meant to be persionalized. It is by no means generic and should not be directly cloned from my repository. Please fork this repository before installing it.
My configuration assumes the following conditions:
- uv installed for python installation
- pyright
- Ctags is installed.
- NeoVim 0.10.3 or newer.
- A nerdfont installed. This config uses the powerline version of SourceCodePro.
- Build and make tools
- Clone your forked repository to
- Launch nvim (plugins should install and build automatically.
Currently untested Please see additional testing.
Installed plugins can be found in lua/plugin_specs.lua
To be implemented.