Parses a Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) file and converts it into text representation similiar to staff notation.
: represents notes. e.g. B-flat on the second octave (middle C is C4)
: represents rest
: represents held note
: represents bar line
: represents block chords (notes played simultaneously)
: each time division (quarter note for 4/4 time) is separated by a space
mid2stf your_input.mid your_output.stf
|0 |1 (C major) t=4/4 !=100 |2 |3 |
| |. . . . |. . . . |. . . . |
|Acoustic Grand Piano| | | |
| |. . . . |. . . . |. . . . |
|Acoustic Grand Piano| | | |
| |. . . . |(G4AC5D) (----) (----) (----) |. . . . |
|Acoustic Grand Piano| |mp | |
| |. . . . |G3 A4G FD A3G |G# B2D3 FBb G#G |
|Acoustic Grand Piano| |mf | |
| |. . . . |Eb4 Eb-Eb Eb Eb-Eb |Eb Eb-Eb Eb Eb-Eb |
|Drums | |mp | |