Use provided tags_example.txt
as a template. Add tags to the file, one per line.
CIP-based PLC tags are in the format: <name>:<type>[<sizes>] where:
<name> is alphanumeric, starting with an alpha character.
<type> is one of:
SINT - 1-byte signed integer. Requires array size(s).
INT - 2-byte signed integer. Requires array size(s).
DINT - 4-byte signed integer. Requires array size(s).
LINT - 8-byte signed integer. Requires array size(s).
REAL - 4-byte floating point number. Requires array size(s).
LREAL - 8-byte floating point number. Requires array size(s).
STRING - 82-byte string. Requires array size(s).
BOOL - 1-byte boolean value. Requires array size(s).
<sizes> field is one or more (up to 3) numbers separated by commas.
BoolExample:BOOL[1, 1]
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