pip install abism
or for developpers:
pip install -U git+
Start: from shell:
abism image.fits
What: A graphical user interface (GUI) to measure the strehl ratio. Meaning the quality (.fits) image from a telescope with adaptive optics.
Who: For observer astronomers using adaptive optics
How: On the following image, we have a Strehl ratio 50% which is excellent. Notice the warning that we are reaching the non-linearity detector limit. We did not take time to measure the error of the measure if non linear, it is very detector dependant.
More: from ipython:
# Import
from import run_async
# Launch (sm for Strehl Meter)
sm = run_async('--verbose', '1', './image.fits')
# Print details
License: Do whatever you want with the code
Authors: Julien Girard, Martin Tourneboeuf