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Reimplementation of "licensemodule". Uses attributes from user (WAYF) to define access to materials by modified solr queries.


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Ds-license(Digitale Samlinger) by the Royal Danish Library.

Ds-license restricts access to items in collections based on the user credential information.

The primary method in Ds-license is to filter a list of IDs (recordIds) and only return the subset ID's that the user has access to based in the user information. Access can be restricted to a presentationtype value. (Download,Search etc.) The filtering is done against a Solr server with all information about the records. The application has a GUI interface to define all access rules based on user attributes.

User attributes

The User attributes is key-value pairs, where the values can be a list and a user can have multiple key-value pairs. All values and keys are strings. The key-values pairs can be WAYF attributes ( which is a standard for describing users at educational institutions and will have some guarateed values always. But the GUI administration can define arbitarity key-value rules and not just WAYF attributes. All user atttribute keys must be define in the GUI and they will be available for use when defining a license attribute-group.

Examples of UserAttributes (WAYF)

key values Remark
SBIPRolemapper inhouse,kb inhouse(local computer), kb (organisation)
mail [email protected] Can be used to give individual access
shachHomeOrganisation Educational institution
eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation stud Student. (staff, employee,faculty also values)

Packages (pakker) and restrictions (klausulering)

The packages and restrictions are the building blocks that gives access to materials. In the UML they are both groups, but on the GUI they will be seen as two seperate entities. Packages gives access to materials (positive Solr filter) while restrictions forbid access (negative Solr filter). The more packages groups a user validates will give more materials and more validated restrictions will also give more materials since this will remove the negative filter. The restrictions negative filters are always applied unless the user validates access to them and that restriction will be removed. Some materials can be locked under several different restrictions and all must validate before the user can access it. Giving a user access
to a restriction will not mean the user can see all the restricted material. He can still only see what the packages give access too and the restricted material within those packages. Whenever a new restriction is added to the configuration it will take immediate effect and block all access for all users. To give access to the new restriction a licence needed to be edited and configure access to that restriction.

Example of access with two groups

Group 1 (package): lma_long:"radio"

Group 2 (restriction): klausuleret:"ja"

If the user has acesss to both groups, the final filter query will be: lma_long:"radio"

If the user has only access to the first group, the final filter query will be: lma_long:"radio" -klausuleret:"ja"

Example of access with four groups

The normal groups filter queries will be OR'ed.

Group 1 (package): lma_long:"tv"

Group 2 (package): lma_long:"radio"

Group 3 (restriction): klausuleret:"ja"

Group 4 (restiction): individuelt_forbud:"ja"

If the user has access to group 1,2 and 3 the filter query will be: (lma_long:"radio" OR lma_long"tv") -individuelt_forbud:"ja"


Licenses are the mapping from UserAttributes to groups (packages or restictions). One license can give access to several groups. For each group a license gives access to, the license must also specify a presentation type (or several) for that group. Presentation types are also defined in the GUI and examples of presentation types are:Stream,Search.Download,Thumbnails,Headlines.

Licenses structure

A license must define a valid from date and valid to date and is only valid in the date interval. The format is dd-mm-yyyy. A license has to defines one or more attribute-groups. An attribute-group is mapping from UserAttributes keys to values. An attribute-group can define several mappings and every single mapping in the attribute group has to validate for the attribute-group to validate, which will then validate the whole license.So a license can have several attribute groups and just one of them has to validate for the whole license to validate. The reason you can define several attribute-groups in one license is to avoid defining many identical licences that gives access to same material but by different conditions.

License validation algoritm

First the validation check will limit to licenses that are valid for the date of the requests. Then for each license every attributed group will be checked. If just one of the attribute groups validates then the license validates. The license will give access to the groups (pakker) defined for the license, but restricted to the presentationtype (Download etc.) Every license that validate will give access to more material. All the allow groups will each expand the positive filter query used for filtering Ids. All restriction-group validated will remove the negative filter blocked by that restriction-group. See 'uml/License_validation_logic.png' for a visualisation of the validation logic for a license.

UML model

The UML diagram can be found in the /uml/licensemodule_uml.png folder. The database persistence model and object layer is a direct implementation of the UML model, except for some naming. The UML model is created using DIA and the project file is also in the folder.

UML model explained

There are 3 general type classes that can be maintained and the values are configured are used when defining a license. It is not possible to delete a configuration value if it is used in a license.

Configuration of the Ds-license

Property: solr.servers

The configuration requires at least one Solr server for the property 'solr.servers'. When filtering IDs all Solr servers will be called for filtering and each will be called with all IDs.

Property: solr.idField

The Solr field used for filtering. Multivalued fields allowed. This field must exist in the schema for the Solr servers. Example: If the filter field is 'id' and the filter query generated by from the package is 'subject:danmark' Then the query will be (id:id1 OR id:id2 OR id:id3..) AND (subject:Denmark). Solr will return documents that is a subset of the ID's asked for. And this is what happens in the id-filtering.

Property: solr.resourceField

The Solr field used for filtering based on resource ID. Multivalued fields allowed. This field must exist in the schema for the Solr servers.

Example: If the resource field is resource_id and a user attempts to view a bitmap through ds-image, ds-image will extract the resource ID (the filename of the bitmap in this case) as call ds-license with it. ds-license will resolve a filter query based on the user credentials, e.g. subject:danmark and combine it with a query for the resource: resource_id:someimage.jpg AND (subject:danmark). If that Solr request has any hits, the user is allowed to view the bitmap.

Properties: url,driver,username,password

The 4 database properties (JDBC) must be defined: url,driver,username,password

A PostGreSql database is recommended when not running locally. The database tables must be created before use with DDL file: test/resources/ddl/licensemodule_create_db.ddl


While there are many methods exposed through the API only the following two are necessary for integrating License module into the software stack.


This is the method that takes the UserAttributes and a list of IDs. The return value will be the IDs that was not removed in the filtering and those that the user has access to. The method is called every time a user tries to access or search materials.


Method only takes the userattributes and returns a list of licences that the userattributes give access to. For each license the name, validFrom,ValidTo and a description will be returned. This information can be shown to the user.

Developed and maintained by the Royal Danish Library.


  • Maven 3
  • Java 11
  • Tomcat 9
  • PostGreSql recommended (or any JDBC compliant database implementation).
  • For local unittest as development it uses a file base H2 java database that does not require any software installation.

Build & run

Build with

mvn package

Setup required to run the project local

  • Create local yaml-file: Take a copy of 'ds-license-behaviour.yaml' and name it'ds-license-environment.yaml'
  • Update the dbURL for the h2-database file to your environment. Ie. replace XXX with your user.
  • The H2 will be created if does not exists and data will be persistent between sessions. Delete the h2-file if you want to reset the database.

Test the webservice with

mvn jetty:run

Swagger UI

The Swagger UI is available at http://localhost:8080/ds-license/api/, providing access to both the v1 and the devel versions of the GUI.

Deployment to a server (development/stage/production).

  • Install Tomcat9 server
  • Install PostgreSql (or any JDBC database).
  • Create a database tablespace and define the tables using the file: resources/ddl/licensemodule_create_db.ddl
  • Configure tomcat with the context enviroment file conf/ocp/ds-license.xml. Notice it points to the location on the file system where the yaml and logback file are located.
  • Edit conf/ds-license.logback.xml
  • Make a ds-license.yaml file. (Make a copy of /conf/ds-license-environment.yaml rename it, and edit the properties).
  • Configure conf/ds-license.yaml with the JDCB properties for the database.

Using a client to call the service

This project produces a support JAR containing client code for calling the service from Java. This can be used from an external project by adding the following to the pom.xml:

<!-- Used by the OpenAPI client -->

    <!-- Do not perform transitive dependency resolving for the OpenAPI client -->

after this a client can be created with

    DsLicenseClient licenseClient = new DsLicenseClient("");

During development, a SNAPSHOT for the OpenAPI client can be installed locally by running

mvn install


See the file for more developer specific details.


Reimplementation of "licensemodule". Uses attributes from user (WAYF) to define access to materials by modified solr queries.







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