Preview of the Desktop Application
- Login
- Register
- Main page
- Student details(add photo)
- Train data
- Student detector(face recognize)
- Attendance
- Chatbot
About The Project:
Attendance management system using face Recognition project built during Microsoft Engage 2022 program.
Language used:
Front end and backend are developed using python .
Database used:
MySQL is being used for storing data
Microsoft VS Code
Python Libraries:
Numpy ,open-cv , Pillow, Tkinter etc...
Algorithm used:
I have used Har cascade algorithm and LBPH algorithm for face detection and face recognition.
Make sure to install the required dependencies :
Install Python from
Install visual studio Code.
Download all the latest libraries mention in requirements.txt file
To run the software on your local host, perform the following steps:
Clone the GitHub Repo in vs code
Run the login page
Make sure to setup the database on localhost:
User = “root”
Password = “Afrin@123”
Database= “face recognizer”
Login Page:
Registeration page:
Forgot password:
Main Page:
Student Details:
Train data:
detect student and mark attendance:
Attendance list:
Chat Bot:
Requirements file: requirement.txt