This repository contains a FastAPI application for predicting crop diseases using a trained machine learning model. The API allows users to upload an image of a crop leaf and receive a prediction regarding the disease affecting the plant.
The API uses a pre-trained machine learning model to classify images of crop leaves into various disease categories. The model is loaded and used for inference when an image is uploaded to the /predict
- Python 3.9+
- Docker (optional, for containerized deployment)
- FastAPI
- TensorFlow/Keras
- Other dependencies specified in
git clone
1)Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
2)In terminal type:
uvicorn main:app --reload
- The API is currently running on the URL: [] upload images to get JSON output.
- Can also refer to our another github repository for more insight : []
- Endpoint :
- Method :
- Description : Upload an image of a crop leaf to receive a prediction about the disease.
- Request Body : Multipart form-data with a file field named
Feel free to reach out if you have any additional requests or questions!