Releases: kurtextrem/Layoutify-for-Instagram
3.1.0 - 2020-04-09
- use requestIdleCallback as preact rendering debounce method for improved rendering performance
- use [data-active] to not invalidate styles when setting another item as active
- removed material icons and put in emojis (looks nicer, removes all external dependencies -> shortens webstore review)
- upgraded to webpacck 5 -> reduced build time from 40 s (???) to 12 s again
The "Pictures Only" setting has been updated (and fixed, it was broken from 3.0.0). Here's how it looks combined with "No Space Between Posts":
Bug Fixes
This release contains all the bugfixes from 3.0.1 and 3.0.2:
- Fixed "posts on profiles could not be opened"
- On the main feed, the like button always did the opposite (ouups, I'm only human after all... or maybe unintended april fools?). Fixed.
- Fixed the "Load more" button on the 3-dots like/saved page
- Fixed the login screen (the new feed was on top of it)
v3.0.0 - Rebuilt Instagram feed
This version brings a long-term fix for the scrolling issue many people had in the past (including myself). To explain: Instagram changed the way the feed works and broke my method of having multiple posts per row.
The new feed is entirely written by me and even improves performance compared to Instagram. As a plus, compared to Instagrams feed, it does not log user actions, which is a nice privacy bonus!
It is still beta, however. If you find any issues, or missing features, let me know (email is on 3-dot page -> About)
Thank you for all your continued support, even though I sometimes don't have much time to update the extension as I'm a full-time student. I also wish you, your family and your loved ones the best during the Corona crisis. ♥
v2.8.0 - Collection Folders!
You can now view your collection folders.
However, atm this looks ugly. But it works. Also: Names are IDs at the moment.
v2.7.0 - Watch Storys/Posts & Changelog
Watching Users
Exciting new feature: You can now add Users to your list of "Watched Posts" and/or "Watched Stories" (found on the options page on the 3-dots page)!
How it works: You will get a notification whenever the User posts something, and/or adds a new Story
You can decide whether to get notified in background, or only if you open (latter is default)
The User(s) will have a badge on his profile, so you can recognize whom you are watching
Changelog Page
New Changelog page (can be accessed on the 3-dots page under "?")
- It will open automatically, whenever something bigger has changed (so not when there's only bug fixes)
I did not find any use in creating releases here, so I stopped somewhen, as it is relatively time consuming.
However, this release is different, because out of nowhere I received two PR's regarding really cool stuff:
Night Mode
Kelvin R: added a night mode. Really appreciated!
New Logo & Icon
Thanks to Ibrahim Tenekeci: this project now has a really cool and modern looking logo. I can't thank him enough for his professional design. And he didn't request any money for that. True Open-Source spirit!
Other stuff meanwhile
- I've switched from Preact to Nerv.js, as the compatibility is far better and benchmarks are really promising.
- Instagram implemented stories natively
- Options available on the 3-dots menu
Instagram rolled out an update, which improves performance through using a virtual list. This is great news!
Bug Fixes
- I am still working on issue #20. This release contains a fix which made every IG post disappear after the Stories. However, stories aren't visible at the moment.
(This does not concern you, if you're using the Chrome Extension "Chrome IG Story". More Info: - Videos wouldn't go fullscreen
- Feedback from Chrome Webstore told me the extension isn't fully working in Incognito. I've tried fixing this
- Post pictures should be a little bit more colorful now, as the browser renders them in full contrast mode (this was only on single posts / profiles before, because of worse performance)
Contains bug fixes / perf improvements:
Fix render isn't triggered when new data arrives kurtextrem/Improved-for-Instagram@b939490
Fix autoload improvement kurtextrem/Improved-for-Instagram@f214894
Prevent unneeded re-render kurtextrem/Improved-for-Instagram@098317f (avoids 2-3x rendering of the liked/stared page)
v2.2.1 - Carousel Dots
Carousels are now better visible as those posts now have dots like the Instagram website.
Also, some bug fixes.
v2.2.0 - Carousel support
The 3-dots menu page now supports carousel posts correctly :)
And as always small bug / layout fixes.
- 3 column layout on smaller screens
- Try fixing a community reported issue