This repository contains several applications used to demonstrate the utility of of the Lightbend Reactive Platform, and leverages Enterprise Suite for production class concerns, such as telemetry and monitoring, fault tolerance, etc.
All of these projects will require you to have Lightbend Credentials through your developer account.
- ShoppingCartApp: A shopping cart web service that models client shopping sessions, where customers browse the product catalog, add products to their shopping carts, and ultimately commits the shopping transaction. It is a Scala/sbt project that uses akka-http, akka-cluster, cluster-sharding, cluster-singleton, Lightbend Telementry, and the Lightbend Console.
- DroneTracker: An IOT web application that processes data from simulated drones in a distributed manner,enriching and aggregating the data for later query. It is a Java/maven project that uses the Play Framework, akka-streams, akka-cluster, cluster-sharding, cluster-singleton, Lightbend Telementry, and the Lightbend Console.