Table of Contents
Create the config/sys.config
file with the following content:
%% talks_tweeter options are optional, you have only to provide 'etweet'
%% options
{talks_tweeter, [
{action_interval, {0,1,0}}, %% check every 1 minute for talk
{time_window, {0,5,0}}, %% time period which will be used for
%% querying for talks. 'talks_tweeter' will
%% check for talks within
%% (now + before_talk, now + before_talk + time_window) minutes
{schedule_start_time, {{2016,2,18}, {6,0,0}}}, %% start time from which
%% all talks has begin
{schedule_end_time, {{2016,2,19}, {18,0,0}}}, %% end time for all talks
{before_talk, {0,15,0}} %% tweet 15 minutes before talk
{etweet, [
{screen_name, "TO_FILL"},
{consumer_key, "TO_FILL"},
{consumer_secret, "TO_FILL"},
{access_token, "TO_FILL"},
{access_token_secret, "TO_FILL"}
You need to have Erlang 18.3
make compile
make test
make shell
The config/sys.config file has to be filled with appropriate values.
Ensure you have valid config/sys.config file
make rel
cd _build/default/rel/talks_tweeter
. /bin/talks_tweeter start #run application
. /bin/talks_tweeter attach #attach to console
In console run:
1> talks_tweeter_app:run().
and exit by pressing Ctrl + D
tt_importer:start_link() -> Result.
tt_importer:import_file(Filename) -> ok.
tt_importer:import_file("priv/talks") -> ok.
tt_importer:import_csv_file(Filename, StartDate) -> ok | {error ,file_not_exists}.
tt_importer:import_csv_file("talks.csv", {2016,02,04}).
The tt_importer
is responsible for importing talks from file. The tt_importer:import_file/1
function takes a file name as an argument and imports its content into the database using its API (tt_store:add/4
The file with the talks should have the following format:
{"School of Erlang", {{2015,12,15}, {10,00,00}}, {{2015,12,15}, {11,00,00}}, "ESL Office"},
{"School of Elixir", {{2015,12,15}, {11,00,00}}, {{2015,12,15}, {12,00,00}}, "ESL Office"}
The tt_importer:import_csv_file/2
functions takes two arguments: a CSV file and a date that talks stored in the file start on. An example file content is:
"Keynote: Haskell",room 3,2,185
I love teacher?,room 1,1,330
"Bad news: teacher?",room 3,2,240
"Joe, do you know Cooking",room 3,1,360
The format is:
Title, Location, Day No, Start Time in Minutes from 7:00
There're 3 locations which map as follows:
room 1 -> Aula średnia A
room 2 -> Aula średnia B
room 3 -> Aula mała
tt_store:start_link() -> Result.
tt_store:add(Title, StartTime, EndTime, Where) -> ok.
tt_store:add("School of Erlang", {{2015,12,17}, {17,00,00}}, {{2015,12,17}, {19,00,00}}) -> ok.
tt_store:find_by_time(StartTime, EndTime) ->
tt_store:find_by_time({{2015,12,17}, {17,00,00}}, {{2015,12,17}, {20,00,00}}) -> [{TalkTitle, StartTime, EndTime, Where}]
tt_store:list() -> [{TalkTitle, StartTime, EndTime, Where}]
The tt_store
module is responsible for storing talks in ETS tables. The tt_store:add/3
function is for adding new talks to the database. tt_store:find_by_time/2
is for getting a list of talks that are planned to start in a given time range. The tt_store:list/0
returns the list of all the talks in the store.
tt_scheduler:start_link() -> Result.
tt_scheduler:schedule(StartTime, EndTime, PublishInterval).
tt_scheduler:schedule({{2015, 12, 17}, {15, 00, 00}}, {{2015, 12, 17}, {20, 00, 00}}, {01,00,00}) -> Ref.
tt_scheduler:cancel_schedule(Ref) -> ok.
The tt_scheduler
is intended for setting up scheduling of publishing information on talks. For example calling tt_scheduler:schedule({{2015, 12, 17}, {15, 00, 00}}, {{2015, 12, 17}, {20, 00, 00}}, {00,20,00}).
starts a process that will check every hour what are the planned talks for the next hour and pass the result to the tt_publisher
tt_publisher:start_link() -> Result.
tt_publisher:publish([{Title, StartTime, EndTime, Where}], TimeInterval) -> ok
{"School of Erlang", {{2015,12,17}, {17,00,00}}, {{2015,12,17}, {17,30,00}}, "ESL Office"}
{"School of Elixir", {{2015,12,17}, {18,00,00}}, {{2015,12,17}, {18,30,00}}, "ESL Office"},
) -> ok.
publishes the talks on Twitter. The example invocation above result in something like following in the Twitter account:
The plan for the following hour is:
- 17:00 - 17:30 "School of Erlang", ESL Office
- 17:30 - 18:00 "School of Elixir", ESL Office