UT.no provides a great service to search for possible hikes in Norway. However, it only provides an overview over the hikes, and it is not possible to plan a hike in details using the app (in a convenient way, anyways). This could be especially useful for multi day hikes.
UT.no uses the nasjonalturbase.no API to store data, which is public and open. Because of this, it is possible to extend UT.no functionality and create a planning tool that can use the hike data already available.
This API should first enable the possiblity to create hike plans. Basically, a plan would give oppertunity to split the hike route into legs (parts) and attach more data like stops along the way, interesting sights etc.
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Run locally
$ docker-compose up
Run tests
docker-compose run api npm run test
Run coverage
docker-compose run api npm run cover
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