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#Snake ###By Dustin Lee

Use arrow keys to change direction. Clear food without hitting yourself or the grid.

Project provided by the Viking Code School



Variable Dictionary: - gridSize: size of grid when initiated - score: current score (food eaten) - gameover: booelean to determine if game is over - cells: array containing cell IDs


  - cells: cell IDs that contain the class snake
  - direction: determines current direction movement
  - nextDirection: direction of the next frame

  spawn(): spawns first cell containing snake class

  move(): determines the next cell the snake will move to in the next frame.

  movementX(): returns horizontal direction of next move
  movementY(): returns vertical direction of next move

  flagWallCollision: determines if snake hits the grid
  flagSnakeCollision: determines if snake hits itself

  filterInput: returns a string representing the keyCode that is input
  newDirection: looks for input event and forwards keyCode to filterInput for conversion

  - cell: contains ID of food cell

  spawn(): sets the class 'food' to the provided cell
  randomSpawn(): checks for free cells then returns a random free cell to place food in

  eaten(): increments score on food clear. removes food class from cell, initiates next food spawn


buildGrid(): initiates cellConstructor function to form a grid. returns cells cellConstructor

cellConstructor(): creates a cell containing the id, (x, y) coordinates, and snake and food booleans to determine what the cell contains

findCellByCoords(): finds cell by given coordinates

outOfBounds(): checks newX or newY are off the grid

getSnakeIDs(): translates snake cells to their IDs and returns array
getFoodIDs(): grabs food cell ID
getSnakeDirection(): grabs current direction
nextFrame(): moves to next frame



init(): initiates building the grid on the view.  checks for keys pressed

buildGrid(): appends cell divs to the board and initiates setting the dimensions of the board/cells in styles.css

setDimensions():  keeps the dimensions of the board and cells proportional to the gridSize when the model and view are initated

renderFrame():  initiates the drawing of the score, snake, and food cells
renderScore(): changes innerHTML of '.scoreboard em' to reflect the score
renderEndgame(): adds "Game Over!" text after the board
resetFrame(): resets the classes of all the cells
drawFood(): adds food class to the given cell ID
drawSnake(): adds snake class to the given cell ID
drawSnakeHead: adds appropriate snakeHead class based on game state


Variable Dictionary: - size: dimensions of the board given in number of cells - speed: dictates delay between frames - gameInterval: holds the gameloop and speed at which it is looped


show(): grabs necessary variables and forwards it to the view to display
play(): sets controller.gameInterval
gameloop(): updates the model, then gives the view updated game variables. ends game if gameover is true
endGame(): clears the gameInterval and tells the view to renderEndgame()


hiss hiss gulp grow hiss...






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  • JavaScript 90.0%
  • CSS 5.3%
  • HTML 4.7%