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Java 8 Stream behind the scenes: internal iteration, lazines and fluent API


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quiny provides a tiny implementation of the class Queryable<T>, equivalent to java 8 Stream<T>. Queryable<T> is a concise and functional implementation of an equivalent API to the Stream<T>, which preserves the internal iteration approach, the laziness behavior and the fluent idiom. This solution answers the question: How can I implement a lazy iterator in Java 8?

To achieve a short implementation I suppressed from Stream<T> the partitioning feature (meaning that Queryable<T> does NOT support parallel processing). So, I took off all the infrastructure panoply and stayed only with the essential backbone that provides a query API.

Figure 1, shows an example using Queryable<T> that is equivalent to the use of Stream<T>. You can replace the Queryable.of(dataSrc) call with and you will get the same result. You can try it your self by copying the implementation code of section Queryable at a glance and execute the example of Figure 1. Challenge yourself and add new query methods to Queryable<T>. All you have to do is just return a new lambda that implements the tryAdvance(action) logic.

Figure 1:

Collection<String> dataSrc = ...  // something
Queryable.of(dataSrc)             // <=>
   .filter(w -> !w.startsWith("-"))

##Queryable at a glance

For now I will just show you how you can develop a very short implementation of map(), limit() and forEach(). This implementation is purely functional and does not reuse any code of the new default methods provided in Java 8. Moreover it preserves the internal iteration approach; it is lazy and also provides a fluent idiom. You can copy paste it and test it, just like it is.

interface Queryable<T>{

  abstract boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action); // <=> Spliterator::tryAdvance

  static <T> boolean truth(Consumer<T> c, T item){
    return true;

  public static <T> Queryable<T> of(Iterable<T> data) {
    final Iterator<T> dataSrc = data.iterator();
    return action -> dataSrc.hasNext() && truth(action,;

  public default void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) {
    while (tryAdvance(action)) { }

  public default <R> Queryable<R> map(Function<T, R> mapper) {
    return action -> tryAdvance(item -> action.accept(mapper.apply(item)));
  public default Queryable<T> limit(long maxSize) {
    final int[] count = {0};
    return action -> count[0]++ < maxSize ? tryAdvance(action) : false;

In the next sections I give a deeper and more detailed explanation about this solution.


First, just to give you a brief about the implementation complexity of Stream<T>: if you look into stream() default method you will find the inner ReferencePipeline.Head<E_IN, E_OUT> implementation of Stream<T> that in turns depends of a Spliterator<?> source stored in a sourceSpliterator field inherited from AbstractPipeline. For collections the Spliterator<?> is an instance of IteratorSpliterator. On the other hand, each intermediate operation (such as, filter, map, etc) returns a new instance of StatelessOp<E_IN, E_OUT> which in turn creates an new instance of Sink.ChainedReference<…> that is used to conduct values through the stages of a stream pipeline, with additional methods to manage size information, control flow, etc. Moreover you still have to dig into the additional infrastructure that supports partitioning for parallel processing.

So, I would like to take off all this infrastructure panoply and stay only with the essential backbone that allows the internal iteration feature, laziness behavior and fluent API.

To that end I made my own implementation of Queryable<T> with a similar API and preserving these three characteristics. This Queryable<T> can be used in the same manner of Stream<T> according to the example of Figure 1, or inter-exchanging the order between the intermediate operations: distinct(), filter(), map() and limit().

If you are not interested in the path that founded Queryable<T> solution, then you can jump directly to the implementation of the last version of Queryable

In this repository I provide three implementations of Queryable<T> in three different braches:

  • version1--oo – following an object oriented approach.
  • version2 – version 1 simplification
  • version3-functional – a functional approach without instance fields, no objects instantiation an no constructors.


In the following sections I will explain each step that conduct my own implementation of Queryable. The Queryable<T> provides the same features of Figure 1 and preserves the same characteristics of internal iteration, laziness and fluent API. Of course it is not my goal to achieve a better solution than the existing Java 8 implementation. On the other hand, my implementation guidelines were:

  1. simplicity
  2. readability
  3. functional style (provided that it preserves 1 and 2 (otherwise avoid functional))
  4. avoid auxiliary classes
  5. no instance fields
  6. no mutable shared state.

Until this date I did not find any other implementation that fulfills these requisites. REMEMBER: It is not my intention to replace the Stream<T>.

Last note: I will not deal with the parallel computing feature provided by Stream<T>. That is out of the scope of this post and you will find a lot of information about that topic. Nevertheless, if you are considering to use Stream<T> for task parallelization you should read the excellent article A Java™ Parallel Calamity.

Spliterator<T> as the basis for Stream<T>

This section answers the following questions:

  • Why Spliterator<T> is the basis for Stream<T>?
  • Why Spliterator<T> instead of Iterator<t>?

Trying to understand the laziness characteristic of Java 8 Stream<T>, I tried to figure out an implementation that supports and enables the Stream’s lazy behavior. You can do it with through the interfaces Iterable<T> and Iterator<T> just like Guava does for its class Iterables, which provides the same query methods (such as map, filter, etc) as the Stream<T>. Or even, the seminal Linq .net framework based on the interfaces IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerator<T> (equivalent to the iterator interfaces of Java).

But if you start digging on stream() default implementation you will easily fall in the inevitable Spliterator<T>. You will find that Spliterator<T> is the core essential part of the Stream<T> implementation. On a simple point of view you can see a Stream<T> as a combination of default methods with Spliterator<T>.

  Stream<T> ~ _default methods_  + Spliterator<T>

Default methods provide the query utilities (such as filter, map, etc) in a fluent style idiom and the Spliterator<T> provides the ability of traversing elements from a data source.

And this fact may raise your first question: Why a new kind of iterator--Spliterator<T>??? Why not the already existent Iterator<T> and its abstract factory Iterable<T>? Easily you will find a lot of posts that digress around the evident answer provided by the Java API docs:

A Spliterator may also partition off some of its elements (using trySplit()) as another Spliterator, to be used in possibly-parallel operations.

And this is the key insight that enables one of so promoted features of Stream<T>: support to parallel aggregate operations. (which is not its main advantage IMHO).

But Spliterator also provides a different iteration approach called internal iteration, where you specify what to do on each iteration (through a function argument of type Consumer<T>), instead of doing something with the items that you got from each iteration. So, you will NOT get the items from the spliterator (e.g. T item =; compute(item)) , you will instead specify to the spliterator what to do with those items (e.g. iter.tryAdvance(item -> compute(item))). Note in the latter case you pass another function (Consumer<T>) to the iteration method (tryAdvance). Of course, in both examples you could simplify the iteration with the Java foreach statement and using the forEach default method of Stream<T> (or even the forRemaining default method already provided on Spliterator). But for now I just want to revisit the low level code that supports the external and internal iteration approaches.

However, you do not need an inner iterator implementation following the internal iteration approach to implement lazy query methods, such those ones provided by Stream<T> (e.g. map, filter, etc). You can implement those same methods using the existent Iterator<T>. For instance the query methods provided by class Iterables of Guava project are lazy and built on top of the interface Iterable<T> and Iterator<T>.

So, what else offers Spliterator<T>???

Note that the internal iteration API of Spliterator<T> is based on one only method--boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<T> action)-- instead of two methods--boolean hasNext() and T next(). This unpromoted aspect (1 only method, instead of 2) will make a big difference when we rewrite the Queryable<T> to its simplest version, because we may provide the implementation of its abstract method through a lambda expression. This simple feature will avoid the need of additional auxiliary classes.

In the next three sections we will present three versions of the implementation of the Queryable<T> proposal, from a more Object Oriented approach to a completely Functional approach without instance fields, no objects instantiation an no constructors.

##Queryable -- version 1 – Object Oriented

The only visible method of Queryable on Figure 1 is the static method of() which creates “something” providing the query methods: filter, distinct, etc... If we add these query methods as instance methods of the same class Queryable<T> then we may define the method of() with a return type of Queryable<T>. And in turn to provide a fluent API the query methods may also return an instance of Queryable<T>. So in Figure 3 we depict the skeleton that is the basis for the implementation of Queryable<T>.

Figure 3:

ublic class Queryable<T> {

    public static <T> Queryable<T> of(Collection<T> data) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public Queryable<T> distinct() {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public Queryable<T> filter(Predicate<T> p) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public <R> Queryable<R> map(Function<T, R> mapper) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public Queryable<T> limit(long maxSize) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public void forEach(Consumer<T> action) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Despite the forEach method, which is a terminal operation, the remaining query methods are intermediate operations which are defined as operations that return a new Queryable. This idea follows the same principle of the intermediate operations of Stream<T> that are described in the Java API stream package summary as:

Intermediate operations return a new stream. They are always lazy; executing an intermediate operation such as filter() does not actually perform any filtering, but instead creates a new stream that, when traversed, contains the elements of the initial stream that match the given predicate. Traversal of the pipeline source does not begin until the terminal operation of the pipeline is executed.

Each Queryable<T> object returned by a query operation conveys elements from a source such as a data structure (i.e. the data variable of Figure 1) or from the Queryable<T> object returned by the previous operation. For example, the source for the Queryable<T> object returned by distinct() of Figure 1 is the previous Queryable<T> object returned by filter().

So we need some way to traverse the elements of each Queryable<T> object independently of its kind of source. Note that the source could be in memory or generated on demand or even the result of the previous computation. So, following the Java 8 guidelines we will use a Spliterator<T> as the data source for each Queryable<T>.

Now on Figure 4 we add a dataSrc field of type Spliterator<T> and, in turn, each method returns a new Queryable<T> object instantiated with a new instance of Spliterator<T> (I made all implementations of Spliterator<T> as subclasses of Nonspliterator<T> (explained later)). Each implementation of Spliterator<T> applies a specific query policy to the items returned by the previous Spliterator<T> (Note that each instance of Spliterator<T> receives the current dataSrc as the constructor argument). For each query method we will have a different implementation of Spliterator<T> with different requirements. For instance the NonspliteratorFilter returned by filter requires a Predicate whereas the NonspliteratorMapper returned by map requires a Function<T,R>.

Figure 4:

public class Queryable<T> {

    private final Spliterator<T> dataSrc;

    public Queryable(Spliterator<T> dataSrc) {
        this.dataSrc = dataSrc;

    public static <T> Queryable<T> of(Collection<T> data) {
        return new Queryable<T>(new NonspliteratorIterator(data.iterator()));

    public Queryable<T> distinct() {
        return new Queryable<>(new NonspliteratorDistinct<>(dataSrc));

    public Queryable<T> filter(Predicate<T> p) {
        return new Queryable<>(new NonspliteratorFilter<>(dataSrc, p));

    public <R> Queryable<R> map(Function<T, R> mapper) {
        return new Queryable<>(new NonspliteratorMapper<>(dataSrc, mapper));

    public Queryable<T> limit(long maxSize) {
        return new Queryable<>(new NonspliteratorLimited<>(dataSrc, maxSize));

    public void forEach(Consumer<T> action) {
        while (dataSrc.tryAdvance(action)) ;

Nonspliterator is the base type for all auxiliary subclasses of Spliterator<T>. I call it Non spliterator because it does not allow its division in sub iterators. It provides a default implementation for the partitioning methods (trySplit(), estimateSize() and characteristics()) that avoids partitioning. Remember that parallel processing is out of the scope.

Maybe we could refactor code and include a srcIterator field in Nonspliterator<T>, but in the case of NonspliteratorMapper the tryAdvance() method receives a Consumer<R> that is parametrized with a type R different of T. So a generic definition of Nonspliterator<T> with a srcIterator field will required two type arguments instead of one, which will increase complexity and reduce readability. So, for simplicity (remember the guidelines) I preferred to repeat the srcIterator field in all subclasses of Nonspliterator<T> (moreover, this is not the final implementation).

Finally, don’t be tempted to return this on query methods. You may be thinking on turning dataSrc into a mutable field and thus avoid the instantiation of a new Queryable<T> object on each query method. But, that is an error prone approach. I do not want to extend this post substantiating the reasons. I will just give you another citation of the [Java API stream package summary] 2-stream-summary as:

Functional in nature. An operation on a stream produces a result, but does not modify its source. For example, filtering a Stream obtained from a collection produces a new Stream without the filtered elements, rather than removing elements from the source collection

##Queryable -- version 2 – abstracts tryAdvance()

version2 – version 1 simplification

(under construction)

##Queryable -- version 3 – Functional


  • How to combine default methods and lambdas to implement a Spliterator<T>?
  • How to simply provide laziness and fluent query methods on top of a Spliterator<T>?

(under construction)


Java 8 Stream behind the scenes: internal iteration, lazines and fluent API







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