Minimap2-2.8 (r672)
Notable changes in this release include:
Speed up short-read alignment by ~10%. The overall mapping accuracy stays
the same, but the output alignments are not always identical to v2.7 due to
unstable sorting employed during chaining. Long-read alignment is not
affected by this change as the speedup is short-read specific. -
Mappy now supports paired-end short-read alignment (#87). Please see
python/README.rst for details. -
Added option --for-only and --rev-only to perform alignment against the
forward or the reverse strand of the reference genome only (#91). -
Alleviated the issue with undesired diagonal alignment in the self mapping
mode (#10). Even if the output is not ideal, it should not interfere with
other alignments. Fully resolving the issue is intricate and may require
additional heuristic thresholds. -
Enhanced error checking against incorrect input (#92 and #96).
For long query sequences, minimap2 should output identical alignments to v2.7.
(2.8: 1 February 2018, r672)