A Streamlit component for the ECharts library.
It has following advantages comparing to Streamlit-echarts:
- It is written in pure html/js without react/vue/webpack, no need to install nodejs when developping. It can also be used as template to write other html/js based component for traditional frontend-developpers.
- It supports raw ECharts api, i.e, useing "
new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(...)
" as color in chart option. - Benifit from ECharts design scheme, chart can be dynamiclly updated without remounted by specifying a key.
- It can returns the
as component value, so can easily save or download chart as picutre by code. - It integrates basic ECharts libraries and map resources from pyecharts-assets, so can be used in off-line environments.
Short conclusion: with this component, streamlit user can display any ECharts by setting params on the python side, no development on the frontend is necessary anymore.
pip install streamlit-raw-echarts
- basic charts and 3D charts already be available with a fresh installation. If additional geo map needed, user can:
- download pyecharts-assets zipball, then copy pyecharts-assets/assets/maps folder to {streamlit_raw_echarts installation folder}/frontend/. This repo contains maps of lots countries.
- pass custome geo json data to component your self.
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_raw_echarts import st_echarts,JsCode,CustomMap
import random
with st.echo('below'):
'text':'example chart',
'subtext':'using pyecharts-assets',
'color':JsCode('new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0,0,0,1,[{"offset":0,"color":"red"},{"offset":1,"color":"yellow"}])')
'formatter':JsCode('function(p){return p.data.name+":"+p.value;}')
'name':'United States',
'formatter':JsCode('function(p){return p.data.name+":"+p.value;}')
for i in range(3):
for i in range(5):
'click':'function(param){alert("your click:"+param.data.name);}'
st.button('refresh',help='update chart dynamiclly')
if chart:
st.write('the component returns as :')
st.write(chart[:25]+' ... '+chart[-25:])
st.markdown('<a href="{}" download="{}">download chart as picture</a>'.format(chart,'echarts1.png'),unsafe_allow_html=True)
The APIs are similar with Streamlit-echarts.
Additional parameters:
- notMerge/lazyUpdate: passed to chart.setOption, whether merge the option or not.
- returnData: dict with values same to chart.getDataURL(), will set chart's image data as component value. Be careful this will slows down your app.
User can add any params to frontend/index.html.updateChart
, then pass params through st_echarts.
Thanks to andfanilo, I take some ideas from his Streamlit-echarts.
Thanks to pyecharts team, they provide lots of assets especially usefull for Chinese users.