2018-08-22: Uploaded the trained model for the CIFAR10 binary classification using densenet.
2018-08-21: Uploaded the trained model for the MNIST three class classification using densenet and the resnet model for the binary classification. The notebook is self-explained.
Densenet model for CIFAR10 will be uploaded tomorrow.
2018-08-20: Added the code for checking the model's performance on the testing data for the MNIST three class classification. The performance is around 99.7%, which shows the model architecture and the training process is of no problem. The code has been slightly changed, so the current trained model can't be loaded. Will update the trained models soon.
While deep learning models and techniques have achieved great empirical success, our understanding of the source of success in many aspects remains very limited. In an attempt to bridge the gap, we investigate the decision boundary of a production deep learning architecture with weak assumptions on both the training data and the model. We demonstrate, both theoretically and empirically, that the last weight layer of a neural network converges to a linear SVM trained on the output of the last hidden layer, for both the binary case and the multi-class case with the commonly used cross-entropy loss. Furthermore, we show empirically that training a neural network as a whole, instead of only fine-tuning the last weight layer, may result in better bias constant for the last weight layer, which is important for generalization. In addition to facilitating the understanding of deep learning, our result can be helpful for solving a broad range of practical problems of deep learning, such as catastrophic forgetting and adversarial attacking.
requirement.txt shows the required packages and their version to run the code. Basically, to run the code, any version of Tensorflow should be fine. But if you want to load the save model, it is better to install the same version as we use.
This folder contains the source code for the experiments. The three notebook files show the training process and the result on MNIST, CIFAR-10 and multiclass classification. main.py is the source code for the experiments for the simulated data. utils.py and tf_utils.py are some help functions.
This folder contains some trained model. The name of those models are self-explained.
This folder contains some of the results, including some very old exploratory results.
We consider all the convolutional layers as a transformation function and the last hidden layer as the transformed space. We show the decision boundary of the network's last layer on the transformed space and the decision boundary of SVM trained with the transformed data. We show that the NN last layer decision boundary should converge to that of the SVM solution given that the loss converge to zero. In addition, empirically, the bias of the NN boundary is very interesting, which is always around the midpoint between the two cluster on the transformed space. If we reinitialize the last layer and retrain the last layer, the direction result still holds but the bias result does not holds. For more result, please refer to the manuscript.