- Pablo Reina Jiménez: https://github.com/preinaj, pabreijim1 ARROBA alum.us.es
- María Lourdes Linares Barrera: https://github.com/lourdesLB, marlinbar ARROBA alum.us.es
- Sentiment analysis on customers opinion about the brand
Predicting model results and inference API to test: https://huggingface.co/lourdesLB/finetuning-sentiment-model With this model we got an score of 96% in predicting the sentiment of reviews made by the customers
- Dashboards about sales tendency
PowerBI dashboard app link: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZTk1NWI4ZDQtYmU1NC00MDcyLWFlNzQtZTVhZmM2MGIxNDYxIiwidCI6ImVmNGE2ODRlLTgxYjUtNDkxYy1hOThlLWM3YjMxYmU2YzQ2OSIsImMiOjh9
This dashboard provides an useful insight about sales tendencies and customers satisfaction
- Marketing campaigns analysis and sales prediction
Models and data science analysis: marketing_sales_prediction/marketing_sales_prediction.ipynb
This study provides an useful insight about marketing campaigns, the best way to invest in marketing and the preditcion of sales with a metric of error of only 2% and a metric of explainability of R^2 of 0.99. We also provide an overview of XAI over our regression models.