- Clone this repo into home directory
cd ~
git clone [email protected]:lstrzepek/.dotfiles.git
- Install all applications
cd ~/.dotfiles
brew bundle
- Apply core configuration
cd core
stow -vt ~ *\
All cmmands contains -n
option for sefety reasons
- To unlink configuration
stow -nvDt ~ */
- To take configuration and make it part of dotfiles repository
mkdir -p <name>/.config
mv ~/.config/<name> ~/.dotfiles/<name>/.config/<name>
stow -nvt ~ *
-n means try, remember about path '~', * means all, you can use 'git' to do it only for git
stow --adopt -nvt ~ *
adopt will include existing config into stow
stow -vDt ~ zsh
will unlink file from stow for zsh dir
stow -vt ~ */
only directories omit Brefile etc.
Josh Medeski Luke Smith Elijah Manor Lokesh Krishna
(Alena Aenami)[https://aenamiart.artstation.com]
- Window Manager: AeroSpace - tile window manager, places windows on screen but also allow to use wirtual desktop
- Terminal Emulator: Alacritty - connection between MacOs and terminal applications i.e. shell. Handles keyboard mappings for keys which are not supported in terminal like Command key
- Shell: Zsh - Default shell for MacOs. Should be never use directly in Alacritty
- Tmux - Terminal multiplexer, to manage multiple terminal session, windows and panes
- Editor: NeoVim
Configure themes as env variables rather than in separate config files