I created this app to maintain a record of my cacti seed sowings, recording information relating to each species, and to provide an API endpoint for receiving environmental data readings from Arduino data loggers via HTTPS. This app is hosted on an Oracle Cloud E2.1 micro instance.
Cactusapp app utilises several Django packages including:
- django-crispy-forms for controlling the rendering of Django forms.
- django-tables2 for providing data tables of species and sources.
- django-filter for filtering Django querysets based on a model's fields.
- django-versatileimagefield for providing dynamic image derivatives.
- django-import-export for importing lists of seeds from a spreadsheet or csv file.
- django-geoposition for displaying pins on a Google Map for species localities.
- django-chartjs for displaying environmental data readings in a graph.
- django-renderpdf for rendering PDF Zebra labels for Sources.
Cactusapp also utilises the Beautiful Soup Python library to scrape web pages on Llifle.com, an excellent encyclopedia of living forms with a wealth of information relating to cacti and succulent species.
Some images of Cactusapp:
- Add model to represent each individual plant with relationships to Species and Sources
- Add feature for taking images of individual plants via web app.
- Show temperature and humidity on Chartjs graph (currently is just temperature).