ClaimLinker is a Web service and API that links arbitrary text to fact-checked claims, offering a novel kind of semantic annotation of unstructured content. The system is based on a scalable, fully unsupervised and modular approach that does not require training or tuning and which can serve high quality results at real time.
More information is available at the following paper:
Maliaroudakis E., Boland K., Dietze S., Todorov K., Tzitzikas Y. and Fafalios P.,
"ClaimLinker: Linking Text to a Knowledge Graph of Fact-checked Claims",
In Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021.
A sub-module system has been implemented, divided respectively by the following modules:
- ClaimLinker
- Core NLP API
- Association Type
- Similarity Measures
- Test class
- Web Servlet that returns annotations in JSON
- Web Servlet for Bookmarklet that allows a user to select a piece of text in a web page and check if there are fact-checked claims linked to the selected text.
- JSP offering a form where the user can give sometext and check if there are fact-checked claims linked to that text.
- Initializer for an ElasticSearch server
- Wrapper API for an ElasticSearch server
- OpenCSV wrapper class
- We need to install the FEL library to the ClaimLinker_commons pom.
cd ClaimLinker_commons
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./lib/FEL-0.1.0-fat.jar -DartifactId=FEL -Dversion=0.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
- Then compile the whole project from the project's root directory:
cd ..
mvn compile package #to compile and package into jar the claimlinker
- Get the claim data from a csv, the hash file for FEL library the stopwords file and the punctuations file:
- data/
- claim_extraction_18_10_2019_annotated.csv (a dataset of fact-checked claims)
- english-20200420.hash (used by FEL)
- stopwords.txt
- puncs.txt
- data/
You can check here how you can set up a single-node elasticsearch using docker.
Initializing ElasticSearch:
java ElasticInitializer -f "data.csv" -h "elasticsearch_host"
Running the ClaimlinkerTest class:
java -cp .:ClaimLinker_commons/target/ClaimLinker_commons-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar:ClaimLinker_web/target/ClaimLinker_web-1.0.jar:ElasticSearch_Tools/target/ElasticSearch_Tools-1.0.jar: csd.claimlinker.ClaimLinkerTest
Using it as a library:
ClaimLinker CLInstance = new ClaimLinker(elastic_search_threashold, similarityMeasures, stopwords_file, punctuations_file english_hash_FEL, ElasticSearch_host);
CLInstance.claimLink(text, num_of_returned_claims, associationtype, cleanPrevAnnotations)
i.e. (csd.claimlinker.ClaimLinkerTest)
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
demo_pipeline("Of course, we are 5 percent of the world's population;\n");
static Set<CLAnnotation> demo_pipeline(String text) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
AnalyzerDispatcher.SimilarityMeasure[] similarityMeasures = new AnalyzerDispatcher.SimilarityMeasure[]{
AnalyzerDispatcher.SimilarityMeasure.jcrd_comm_words, //Common (jaccard) words
AnalyzerDispatcher.SimilarityMeasure.jcrd_comm_lemm_words, //Common (jaccard) lemmatized words
AnalyzerDispatcher.SimilarityMeasure.jcrd_comm_ne, //Common (jaccard) named entities
AnalyzerDispatcher.SimilarityMeasure.jcrd_comm_dissambig_ents, //Common (jaccard) disambiguated entities BFY
AnalyzerDispatcher.SimilarityMeasure.jcrd_comm_pos_words, //Common (jaccard) words of specific POS
AnalyzerDispatcher.SimilarityMeasure.jcrd_comm_ngram, //Common (jaccard) ngrams
AnalyzerDispatcher.SimilarityMeasure.jcrd_comm_nchargram, //Common (jaccard) nchargrams
AnalyzerDispatcher.SimilarityMeasure.vec_cosine_sim //Cosine similarity
ClaimLinker CLInstance = new ClaimLinker(20, similarityMeasures, "data/stopwords.txt", "data/puncs.txt", "data/english-20200420.hash", "");
System.out.println("Demo pipeline started!");
Set<CLAnnotation> results = CLInstance.claimLink(text, 5, Association_type.all, true);
return results;
Using it as a Web Service returning results in JSON:
Example request for text "You know, interest on debt will soon exceed security spending.":
Example of results in JSON:
"text":"You know, interest on debt will soon exceed security spending.",
{ "claimReview_claimReviewed":"'Within a few years, we will be spending more on interest payments than on national security.'",
"extra_title":"Mitch Daniels says interest on debt will soon exceed security spending",
"creativeWork_author_name":"Mitch Daniels",
{ "claimReview_claimReviewed":"'In just 17 years, spending for Social Security, federal health care and interest on the debt will exceed ALL tax revenue!'",
"extra_title":"Brat says entitlement and debt payments will consume all taxes in 2032",
"rating_alternateName":"mostly true",
"creativeWork_author_name":"Dave Brat",
{ "claimReview_claimReviewed":"'By 2022, just the interest payment on our debt will be greater than the defense of our country.'",
"extra_title":"Will interest on the debt exceed defense spending by 2022?",
"rating_alternateName":"mostly true",
"creativeWork_author_name":"Joe Manchin",
{ "claimReview_claimReviewed":"'The debt will soon eclipse our entire economy.'",
"extra_title":"Paul Ryan, in State of the Union response, says U.S. debt will soon eclipse GDP",
"creativeWork_author_name":"Paul Ryan",
{ "claimReview_claimReviewed":"'Our spending has caught up with us, and our debt soon will eclipse the entire size of our national economy.'",
"extra_title":"House Speaker John Boehner has the right count on the magnitude of the federal debt",
"creativeWork_author_name":"John Boehner",