Features ✨ and improvements 🏁
- Reduced style parsing time
- Remove extra rendering delay during animation on iOS: stop coalescing style updates
- Introduce clip-layer-scope to remove data from certain style fragments only
- Enable multiple meta tiling schemes for composited sources
- Update the minimum number of vertex attributes used for data-driven styling
- Introduce new QRF, QSF and FeatureState related APIs to support the new "featuresets" types
- Add new addInteraction() API to the Map.
Bug fixes 🐞
- Correctly update what layers to clip when clip-layer-types layout property is set.
- Fix shadow rendering issues with fill-extrusion-cutoff-fade-range property.
- Significantly reduce the rate at which raster-particle trails cross each other.
- Fixed normal offset to improve shadow accuracy.
- Fix assertion hit at the tile store request
- Fix feature state coalescing when both set and remove featurestate changes are queued for update
- Fix data synchronization between renderer and the main threads on map resize.
- Regenerate location indicator mipmap on image change
- Fix DVA position update for annotated Geojson Feature with allowZElevate to be true
- Fix landmark visibility issues near tile borders
- Fix elevated line depth occlusion issue in 2D mode