An example Clojure application showing Noir (since deprecated, use lib-noir instead), ClojureScript, several of ibdknox's (Chris Granger's) libraries, and Overtone all together. For the wub wub!
Tested with Leiningen 2.0.0.
To use the wub wub machine, invoke:
lein run
Wait for Overtone to download the piano samples (which will take a while) and then point your JavaScript-enabled web browser at http://localhost:8080 after you get the message
Server started on port [8080].
You can view the site at http://localhost:8080
If you make changes to the ClojureScript file, located in src-cljs/overtoneinterface/client/main.cljs
, you'll need to recompile it separately via lein cljsbuild once
or lein cljsbuild auto
- Move away from deprecated or relatively unmaintained libraries (Noir, fetch)
- Fix any additional dependency clashes
- Whatever your wub wub heart desires
Copyright (C) 2011 Chris Granger. Portions copyright (C) 2013 Marc Liberatore.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.