Scripts to collect and analyze data about Voluntary Pregnancy Interruptions (IVG - Interruzioni Volontarie di Gravidanza) and conscientious objectors in the Veneto region healthcare system, using the hidden API from
The scripts collect data from the main endpoint, and iterate throughs the different charts to retrieve the corresponding data.
Data is available from 2015 to 2022.
: Notebook to collect dataclean_data.ipynb
: Notebook to clean data
This project processes and visualizes publicly available healthcare data from the Veneto Region's statistical portal. The data has been reorganized for research and transparency purposes.
Please note:
- All data comes from the official Veneto Region healthcare statistics portal
- Before drawing conclusions, verify against the original source
- When using this data, please cite both the original source and this project
For questions or inquiries, contact:
Marco Dalla Stella
[email protected]