Choose from the following from the 2018 ACM CHI student design competition design brief:
- Art
- Education
- Indigenous culture
- Healthcare
- Energy consumption
- Food
- Business development
- Sustainable living
- Aging
- Policy and public service
Choose from one of the challenges in the Societal and Individual Impact of User Interfaces slides:
- Develop Handbook of Human Needs
- Shift from User Experience to Community Experience
- Refine Theories of Persuasion
- Encourage Resource Conservation
- Shape the Learning Health System
- Advance the Design of Medical Devices
- Support Successful Aging Strategies
- Promote Life-long Learning
- Stimulate Rapid Interface Learning
- Engineer New Business Models
- Design Novel Input and Output Devices
- Accelerate Analytic Clarity
- Amplify Empathy, Compassion, and Caring
- Secure Cyberspace
- Encourage Reflection, Calmness, and mindfulness
- Clarify Responsibility and Accountability
Review a total of 20 papers (all journal papers or all conference papers, or a mixture of both journal and conference papers) published in the year 2018 and above and 5 systems/apps in the market. Compare the 5 apps with your proposed system, using a table of comparison of functions. List the proposed functional requirements. Do a SWOT analysis in relation to societal and individual impact.
Indicate your ACM and Grand Challenges choice and revised proposed functional requirements (if any). Sketch your draft design of the first user interface (similar to index.html) based on the proposed functional requirements. You can use paper-based sketches or Figma or Adobe XD. Develop a skeleton system (a mini version) using Figma or Adobe XD, or Wix. The database part is not compulsory. Do pilot user testing based on relevant standard evaluation metric with a focus group, e.g., heuristic evaluation.
Develop the full system/app using any platform you are familiar with.
Obtain more consolidated user feedback based on the same relevant standard evaluation metric, but with at least 30 users using Google form. Report the above keeping in mind, the evaluation metrics below and usability/UX goals.