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yet another dockerized NextCloud

Based on Alpine Run Status


  • Full nextcloud instance
  • OneClick/Run installation
  • Enforced ssl encryption
  • small alpine base image
  • php7 (including many modules)
  • auto configuration via environment vars


Get the image:

docker pull martingabelmann/nextcloud

It is highly recommended to use nextcloud with SSL. The default Apache setting of this container forces the browser to use https://. There are certificates build in the image for testing but in production you`ll have to use your own:

Assuming you are owning (trusted) ssl-certificates at

  • /srv/docker/nextcloud/ssl/server.key and
  • /srv/docker/nextcloud/ssl/server.crt,

which belong to the domain,

choose a good database- and adminpassword, then type:

docker run --name=nc -d -p 443:443 -p 80:80 \
  -e DB_PASS=changemepls -e NC_ADMINPASS=changemepls \
  -e -e [email protected] \
  -v /srv/docker/nextcloud/:/nextcloud/ martingabelmann/nextcloud

This will mount and use the certificates. Your {data,config,additional apps} are stored on your host at /srv/docker/nextcloud/{data,config,apps} and the postgres database at /srv/docker/nextcloud/sql.

Check docker logs nc to verify that everything is done. Then point your browser to On the first vistit/install Nextcloud will do some configurations and directly login into to the admin panel.

Persistent configs

All files locatet at /tpl are copied to the filesystems root / relative to /tpl/. For instance the preexisting file /tpl/etc/apache2/conf.d/httpd-vhosts.conf is copied to /etc/apache2/conf.d/httpd-vhosts.conf. Simultaneously the installation uses the tool envsubst to replace all bash variables with variables passed with the -e option. For php files this means, that you cannot simply write $phpvariable='"$NC_DOMAIN"';, since the $phpvarvariable would be substituted too (with nothing if its not defined). There is an exported variable ${D} containing the dollar sign: ${D}phpvariable='"$NC_DOMAIN"'; will lead to the desired result (e.g. $phpvariable='';).

You can mount your own config into /tpl and use your own environment variables with -e.

Exception: the configs under /tpl/var/www/localhost/htdocs/config are only for new installs. For existing NextCloud installations the files from /nextcloud/config are used.


A minimal working nextcloud instance can be run with

docker run --name=nctest -d -p 44300:443 -p 8000:80 martingabelmann/nextcloud

Then point your browser to https://localhost:44300. The container will use the build-in certificates, so be carefully, dont use this in public networks/production!

Debuginformations can be viewed with docker logs nc or from inside the container (docker exec -ti nc) under /var/log/ about apache or mysql.

Nextcloud cli

NextCloud offers the possibility to do administrative tasks via the command line interface occ. Just try it

docker exec -ti --user apache nc occ help



The used Nextcloud instance is updated frequently due to the automated build (linked to alpine). Thus updates are performed by pulling the newest image, moving the running container and starting a new one. Since the apps arent effected they will be upgraded by the webinterface on the next visit or via the command line.

I recommend to upgrade via occ:

docker exec --user apache nc occ upgrade

Sometimes it happens that a upgrade fails and breaks your NextCloud webinterface because a app isnt compatible (or so). Then you have to disable the app with

docker exec --user apache nc occ app:disable APPNAME

you may ask which apps are broken. Find out by observing `/var/www/localhost/htdocs/data/nextcloud.log``. Check a specific app with

docker exec --user apache nc app:check APPNAME

for compatiblity. If it fails, install the newest/compatible version by copying into /var/www/localhost/htdocs/apps2/ (e.g. pulling from github). Afterwards try to enable it

docker exec --user apache nc app:enable APPNAME

If everything was successful you should be able to visit the webinterface again.


dockerized nextcloud







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