A PHP driver for rebat-db (fast and scalable weighted property graph database).
test.php is a simple example on how to use the driver:
include_once ("RebatDriver.php");
// You can change the database server and port as follows:
// $driver = new RebatDriver("localhost","2011");
$driver = new RebatDriver();
// Empty database
// User #1 follows Page #2 with weight 1
$driver->add(1, "user", 2, "page", 1, Relations::Follows);
// Update weight to 2
$driver->updateWeight(1, "user", 2, "page", Relations::Follows, 2);
// Delete relation
$driver->delete(1, "user", 2, "page", Relations::Follows);
// User #1 follows Page #2 with weight 1
$driver->add(1, "user", 2, "page", 1, Relations::Follows);
// Get follow relations between user #1 and page #2
// print results
You can add more relations other than the "Follows" relation by adding them as constants to the file Relations.php
if ( ! class_exists("Relations"))
class Relations
// Add other relations you want to support here
const Follows = 1;
const Joins = 2;