This project provides a streamlined way to generate Google Forms directly from a Google Sheet. By populating a Google Sheet with your quiz or survey questions, and using an Apps Script, you can automatically create a Google Form with all the necessary configurations.
- Automatic Google Form Creation: Define your questions, options, and settings in a Google Sheet, and generate a fully configured Google Form.
- Support for Various Question Types: Includes support for Multiple Choice, Checkbox, Short Answer, Paragraph, Dropdown, Scale, Grid, Date, and Time questions.
- Optional Configurations: Most fields are optional, with sensible defaults where applicable.
- Populate a Google Sheet: Use the provided structure to enter your questions and configurations.
- Run the Apps Script: The script will read your sheet and generate a Google Form with all your specified settings.
Each column in the Google Sheet corresponds to a specific configuration for the questions in the Google Form.
Column Name | Description | Type | Example Value |
Question | The text of the question. | string |
What is a pure function? |
Type | The type of question. Accepted values: MCQ , Checkbox , Short Answer , Paragraph , Dropdown , Scale , Grid , Date , Time . |
"MCQ" | "Checkbox" | "Short Answer" | "Paragraph" | "Dropdown" | "Scale" | "Grid" | "Date" | "Time" |
Options | The options for questions of type MCQ, Checkbox, Dropdown, or Grid, separated by commas. | string (used for types: MCQ, Checkbox, Dropdown, Grid) |
Option 1, Option 2, Option 3 |
Réponse Correcte | The correct answer for the question. | string (or string[] for Checkbox with multiple answers) |
Option 1 |
Obligatoire | Whether the question is mandatory. Accepted values: Oui , Non . |
"Oui" | "Non" |
Oui |
Points (Facultatif) | The number of points awarded for a correct answer. If left empty, defaults to 0. | number |
10 |
Feedback Correct (Facultatif) | Feedback provided if the correct answer is given. | string |
Great job! This is the correct answer. |
Feedback Incorrect (Facultatif) | Feedback provided if the incorrect answer is given. | string |
Sorry, the correct answer is Option 1. |
Image URL (Facultatif) | URL of an image to display with the question. | string (URL) | |
Vidéo URL (Facultatif) | URL of a video to embed with the question. | string (URL YouTube) | |
Réponse Courte (Facultatif) | Expected answer for Short Answer questions. | string |
A function without side effects. |
Case à Cocher Validation (Facultatif) | Validation for Checkbox questions, such as the minimum number of correct answers expected. | number |
2 |
Feedback Correct URL (Facultatif) | URL to provide additional information if the answer is correct. | string (URL) | |
Feedback Incorrect URL (Facultatif) | URL to provide additional information if the answer is incorrect. | string (URL) | |
- Setup the Google Sheet: Create a new Google Sheet and use the column headers and structure described above :
Question Type Options Réponse Correcte Obligatoire Points Feedback Correct (Facul.) Feedback Incorrect (Facul.) Section Image URL (Facul.) Vidéo URL Réponse Courte (Facul.) Case à Cocher Validation (Facul.) Feedback Correct URL (Facul.) Feedback Incorrect URL (Facul.)
- Run the Apps Script: Copy the provided Apps Script into the Apps Script editor linked to your Google Sheet and run the script. It will give you the url of the form.
function createGoogleFormFromSheet() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
// Récupérer le titre du formulaire (vous pouvez définir un titre par défaut ici)
var formTitle = "Quiz Généré Automatiquement";
var form = FormApp.create(formTitle);
// Activer les paramètres du Quiz
// Boucler à partir de la 2ème ligne (index 1) pour ignorer les en-têtes
for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
var question = data[i][0];
var type = data[i][1];
var options = data[i][2] ? data[i][2].split(',') : [];
var correctAnswer = data[i][3];
var required = data[i][4].toLowerCase() === 'oui';
var points = data[i][5] ? data[i][5] : 0; // Points par défaut à 0 si non spécifié
var feedbackCorrect = data[i][6];
var feedbackIncorrect = data[i][7];
var section = data[i][8];
var imageUrl = data[i][9];
var videoUrl = data[i][10];
var shortAnswer = data[i][11];
var checkboxValidation = data[i][12];
var feedbackCorrectUrl = data[i][13];
var feedbackIncorrectUrl = data[i][14];
if (section) {
var item;
switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
case 'mcq': // Multiple Choice Question
item = form.addMultipleChoiceItem();
.setChoices( => item.createChoice(option, option === correctAnswer)))
case 'checkbox':
item = form.addCheckboxItem();
.setChoices( => item.createChoice(option)))
if (checkboxValidation) {
var validation = FormApp.createCheckboxValidation()
case 'short answer':
item = form.addTextItem();
.setHelpText('Réponse attendue: ' + shortAnswer);
case 'paragraph':
item = form.addParagraphTextItem();
case 'dropdown':
item = form.addListItem();
.setChoices( => item.createChoice(option, option === correctAnswer)))
case 'scale':
item = form.addScaleItem();
.setBounds(1, options.length)
.setLabels(options[0], options[options.length - 1])
case 'grid':
item = form.addGridItem();
.setColumns(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']) // Ajoutez ou modifiez les colonnes selon vos besoins
case 'date':
item = form.addDateItem();
case 'time':
item = form.addTimeItem();
Logger.log('Type de question non supporté : ' + type);
if (required) {
// Apply feedback only to compatible item types
if (['mcq', 'checkbox', 'dropdown'].includes(type.toLowerCase())) {
if (feedbackCorrect || feedbackCorrectUrl) {
let feedback = FormApp.createFeedback().setText(feedbackCorrect);
if (feedbackCorrectUrl) {
feedback = feedback.addLink(feedbackCorrectUrl, "Plus d'informations");
if (feedbackIncorrect || feedbackIncorrectUrl) {
let feedback = FormApp.createFeedback().setText(feedbackIncorrect);
if (feedbackIncorrectUrl) {
feedback = feedback.addLink(feedbackIncorrectUrl, "Plus d'informations");
// Ajouter une image si disponible
if (imageUrl) {
// Ajouter une vidéo si disponible et valide
if (videoUrl) {
try {
} catch (e) {
Logger.log('Erreur lors de l\'ajout de la vidéo : ' + e.message);
Logger.log('Google Form créé : ' + form.getEditUrl());