This package identifies Web servers using an aggressive technique based on the maximum size of the URI. In some configurations this technique can even identify web servers placed behind a proxy web server without any identifiable content.
For more information about this technique, please read this PDF (
This technique performs an in depth identification with certain configurations. An example is available at the bottom of this README.
This package require:
- python3
- python3 Standard Library
- PythonToolsKit
pip install WebServerIdentifier
python3 -m WebServerIdentifier -h # Use python module
python3 WebServerIdentifier.pyz --help # Use python executable
WebIdentify -d -v -m HEAD identify # Use console script entry point
WebIdentify -i 1 identify # Spoof multiple targets (verbose mode)
WebIdentify -m HEAD getmaxuri # Spoof range of targets
WebIdentify -d -v -m HEAD -i 1 getmaxuri # Spoof all network
WebIdentify -s -t 1 # Semi (spoof only gateway IP for the targets, interval is 1 seconds)
WebIdentify -i 127.0. # Use the loopback interface
WebIdentify -p # Passive mode
from WebServerIdentifier import WebServerIdentifier, _create_unverified_context
identifier = WebServerIdentifier("", baseuri="/", ssl=True, context=_create_unverified_context(), port=8000, interval=0.5, timeout=2)
identifier = WebServerIdentifier("")
response = identifier.request()
r = identifier.request(method="HEAD", size=65535)
for size, r in identifier.get_max_URI_size():
print(size, r.status, r.reason)
for size, r in identifier.get_max_URI_size(method="HEAD"): pass
for r, size, servers in identifier.identify_server(): pass
for r, size, servers in identifier.identify_server(method="HEAD"):
print(size, r.status, r.reason, servers)
server = server.pop()
In this example, we have a ruby web server protected by an NGINX web proxy. The maximum ruby web server URI size is 2015 characters and the maximum NGINX web proxy URI size is 6132 characters. It is possible to detect the ruby web server without any specific content, this screenshot proves it:
usage: [-h] [--method METHOD] [--baseuri BASEURI] [--interval INTERVAL] [--ssl] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--verbose] [--debug] {identify,getmaxuri} target
This package identifies target's web server.
positional arguments:
{identify,getmaxuri} Identify the target's web server or get the maximum size of the URI.
target Host targeted (examples:,
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--method METHOD, -m METHOD
HTTP method to request the Web Server
--baseuri BASEURI, -b BASEURI
Base URI to request the target.
--interval INTERVAL, -i INTERVAL
Requests interval.
--ssl, -s Use HTTPS (SSL, encryption).
--timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
Set timeout for HTTP requests.
--verbose, -v Active verbose mode.
--debug, -d Active debugging mode (set level debug for all loggers).
Licensed under the GPL, version 3.