Build Restful CRUD API for a simple Music Collection application using Spring Boot, Mysql, JPA and Hibernate.
Java - 1.8.x
Maven - 3.x.x
Mysql - 5.x.x
1. Clone this repository
git clone --recursive
2. Create Mysql database
create database music_repo
3. Run the seed database script "music_repo.sql" under the "data" folder in your MySQL client of choice
4. Change mysql username and password as per your installation
as per your mysql installation
5. Build and run the app using maven Switch to the folder where you cloned the repository on your local machine and build the application
mvn clean install package
Then run it -
java -jar target/musicCollection-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- OR -
mvn spring-boot:run
The app will start running at http://localhost:9700. You can change the port by changing the "server.port" property in file.
The app defines following CRUD APIs.
POST /collection/artist/new
POST /collection/artist/{artist_id}/album/new
POST /collection/artist/{artist_id}/album/{album_id}/song/new
GET /collection/artists
GET /collection/albums
GET /collection/songs
PUT /collection/artist/{id}
PUT /collection/album/{id}
PUT /collection/song/{id}
DELETE /collection/song/{Id}
DELETE /collection/album/{id}
DELETE /collection/artist/{Id}
GET /health
GET /info
GET /metrics
You can GET requests in the browser. Other verbs can be tested using SoapUI or any other rest client.
1. JUnit tests smaples Added in latest update
2. Spring REST Docs samples Added in latest update
3. UI (Not applicable)
//Retrieve all songs request
GET http://localhost:9700/collection/songs HTTP/1.1
//Retrieve all artists request
GET http://localhost:9700/collection/artists HTTP/1.1
//Retrieve all albums request
GET http://localhost:9700/collection/albums HTTP/1.1
//Retrieve all albums for specific artist
GET http://localhost:9700/collection/artist/14/albums HTTP/1.1
POST http://localhost:9700/collection/artist/new HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
"name": "Cars"
//Add new album request
POST http://localhost:9700/collection/artist/18/album/new HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
"name": "Panorama",
"yearReleased": "1980"
//Update album request
PUT http://localhost:9700/collection/album/75 HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
"name": "Panorama - live"
//Add new song request
POST http://localhost:9700/collection/artist/18/album/75/song/new HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
"name": "Getting Through"
//Update song request
PUT http://localhost:9700/collection/song/36 HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
"name": "Panorama",
"created": "1980"
//Delete song request
DELETE http://localhost:9700/collection/song/37 HTTP/1.1
DELETE http://localhost:9700/collection/album/74 HTTP/1.1
DELETE http://localhost:9700/collection/artist/17 HTTP/1.1