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Home Assistant integration framework for (garbage collection) schedules


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Waste Collection Schedule

Waste Collection Schedule provides schedules from waste collection service providers to Home Assistant. Additionally, it supports schedules from generic ICS files which can be stored locally or fetched from a web site. There is a high flexibility in providing the information to be displayed.

For developers: This framework can be easily enhanced to support further waste collection service providers or other services which provide schedules.

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Table of Contents


A complete example can be found here.

Per default (without further configuration), the time to the next collection will be shown in an entity card:

Default Lovelace Card

You can also setup dedicated entities per waste type and show the schedule in various formats:

Days to next collections Date of next collections Date and days to next collections

The information in the more-info popup can be displayed in different formats:

  1. List of upcoming collections:

    More info: upcoming

  2. List of waste types and collection date:

    More info: waste types

Button Card can be used to create individual Lovelace cards:

Button Card

The collection schedule will be automatically integrated into the Home Assistant calendar: Calendar

Supported Service Providers

Currently the following service providers are supported:






New Zealand



United States of America

United Kingdom


  1. Ensure that HACS is installed.
  2. Install the "Waste Collection Schedule" integration.
  3. Configure the integration.
  4. Restart Home Assistant.

In case you would like to install manually:

  1. Copy the folder waste_collection_schedule to custom_components in your Home Assistant config folder.
  2. Configure the integration.
  3. Restart Home Assistant.


The configuration consists of two entries in the file configuration.yaml:

  1. Source configuration

    For each service provider, a source has to be added to the configuration. The source takes care of the arguments which are required to get the correct information from the service providers' web page, e.g. district, city, street, house number, etc.

    If you have to fetch data from multiple service providers, you have to add multiple sources. You can also add the same service provider multiple times (which only makes sense if you use this with different arguments), e.g. if you are looking for displaying the waste collection schedules for multiple districts.

  2. Sensor configuration

    A sensor is used to visualize the retrieved information, e.g. waste type, next collection date or number of days to next collection. The sensor state (which is shown in a Lovelace card) can be customized using templates. As an example, you may display the collection type only or the next collection date or a combination of all available information.

    You can also add multiple sensors per source if you are going to display the information in separate entities like the available collection types or the next collection date.

    If you are looking for displaying one entity per collection type, you just have to add one sensor per collection type.

1. Configure the source(s)

    - name: SOURCE
        - type: TYPE
          alias: ALIAS
          show: SHOW
          icon: ICON
          picture: PICTURE
      calendar_title: CALENDAR_TITLE
  fetch_time: FETCH_TIME
  random_fetch_time_offset: RANDOM_FETCH_TIME_OFFSET
  day_switch_time: DAY_SWITCH_TIME
  separator: SEPARATOR

Configuration Variables


(list) (required)

List of service providers (waste collectors). See Source Configuration Variables for a list of available configuration variables.


(time) (optional, default: "01:00")

Time of day when to fetch new data from the source. Data will be fetched once per day.


(int) (optional, default: 60)

Random offset to the fetch_time in minutes. Used to distribute the fetch commands of all Home Assistant instances over a larger period of time to avoid peak loads at the service providers.


(time) (optional, default: "10:00")

Time of day when today's collection is going to expire and hence will not be displayed anymore.

How it works: If you set the day_switch_time to 10:00 the sensor will display today's collections until 10:00. After 10:00, today's collections will not be displayed anymore.


(string) (optional, default: ", ")

Used to join entries if there are multiple entries for one day (n/a if value_templates are used).

Source Configuration Variables


(string) (required)

Name of the source (service provider). Equates to the file name (without .py) of the source. See Supported Service Providers for a list of available sources.


(dict) (optional)

Source (service provider) specific arguments, e.g. district, city, street, waste type, etc. See Supported Service Providers for details.


(dict) (optional)

Used to customize the retrieved data from a source (service provider). See Customize Source for a list of available configuration variables.


(string) (optional)

Alternative title for source in Home Assistant calendar.

Customize Source

Used to customize the retrieved data from a source (service provider).


(dict) (required)

Type of waste as it has been retrieved by the source (service provider).


(string) (optional, default: None)

Optional, usually better readable name for type of waste to be collected.


(boolean) (optional, default: True)

Show or hide collections with the given waste type.


(string) (optional, default: None)

Alternative icon for waste type.


(string) (optional, default: None)

Optional picture for waste type.

2. Add sensor(s) to a source

Add the following lines to your configuration.yaml file:

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    source_index: SOURCE_INDEX
    name: NAME
    details_format: DETAILS_FORMAT
    count: COUNT
    leadtime: LEADTIME
    value_template: VALUE_TEMPLATE
    date_template: DATE_TEMPLATE
    add_days_to: ADD_DAYS_TO
      - Waste Type 1
      - Waste Type 2

Configuration Variables


(integer) (optional, default: 0)

Reference to source (service provider). Used to assign a sensor to a specific source. Only required if you defined more than one source. The first defined source has the source_index 0, the second source 1, ...


(string) (required)

Name of the sensor.


(string) (optional, default: "upcoming")

Used to specify the format of the information displayed in the more-info popup of a Lovelace card.

Possible choices:

  • upcoming shows a list of upcoming collections.


  • appointment_types shows a list of waste types and their next collection date.

    Waste Types

  • generic provides all attributes as generic Python data types. This can be used by a specialized Lovelace card (which doesn't exist so far).



(integer) (optional, default = infinite)

Used to limit the number of collections displayed in the more-info popup of a Lovelace card by count.


(integer) (optional, default = infinite)

Used to limit the number of collections displayed in the more-info popup of a Lovelace card. Only collections within the next leadtime days will be displayed.


(string) (optional)

Template string used to format the state of an entity.

See Template Variables for a list of available variables.


(string) (optional)

Template string used to format collection dates within the more-info popup.

See Template Variables for a list of available variables.


(boolean) (optional, default: False)

Adds an attribute with the label daysTo and the number of days to the next collection to the entity state of the source.


(list of strings) (optional)

Used to filter waste types. The sensor will only display collections with these type(s).

Template Variables

The following variables can be used within value_template and date_template:

Variable Description Type Comments Collection date Use strftime to format the output.
value.daysTo Days to collection int 0 = today, 1 = tomorrow, ...
value.types Waste types list of strings Use join filter to join types.


1. How do I format dates?

Use strftime in value_template or date_template:

# returns "20.03.2020"
value_template: '{{"%d.%m.%Y")}}'
date_template: '{{"%d.%m.%Y")}}'

# returns "03/20/2020"
value_template: '{{"%m/%d/%Y")}}'
date_template: '{{"%m/%d/%Y")}}'

# returns "Fri, 03/20/2020"
value_template: '{{"%a, %m/%d/%Y")}}'
date_template: '{{"%a, %m/%d/%Y")}}'

2. How do I show the number of days to the next collection?

Set value_template within the sensor configuration:

value_template: 'in {{value.daysTo}} days'

3. How do I show Today / Tomorrow instead of in 0/1 days?

Set value_template within the sensor configuration:

# returns "Today" if value.daysTo == 0
# returns "Tomorrow" if value.daysTo == 1
# returns "in X days" if value.daysTo > 1
value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Today{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Tomorrow{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} days{% endif %}'

4. How do I join waste types in a value_template?

Use the join filter:

# returns "Garbage, Recycle"
value_template: '{{value.types|join(", ")}}'

# returns "Garbage+Recycle"
value_template: '{{value.types|join("+")}}'

Note: If you don't specify a value_template, waste types will be joined using the separator configuration variable.

5. How do I setup a sensor which shows only the days to the next collection?

Set value_template within the sensor configuration:

value_template: '{{value.daysTo}}'

6. How do I setup a sensor which shows only the date of the next collection?

Set value_template within the sensor configuration:

value_template: '{{"%m/%d/%Y")}}'

7. How do I configure a sensor which shows only the waste type of the next collection?

Set value_template within the sensor configuration:

value_template: '{{value.types|join(", ")}}'

8. How do I configure a sensor to show only collections of a specific waste type?

Set types within the sensor configuration:

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: next_garbage_collection
      - Garbage

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: next_recycle_collection
      - Recycle

Note: If you have set an alias for a waste type, you must use the alias name.

9. How can I rename an waste type?

Set alias in the customize section of a source:

    - name: NAME
        - type: Very long garbage name
          alias: Garbage
        - type: Very long recycle name
          alias: Recycle

10. How can I hide inappropriate waste types?

Set show configuration variable to false in the customize section of a source:

    - name: NAME
        - type: Inappropriate Waste Type
          show: false

11. How do I show a colored Lovelace card depending on the due date?

You can use Button Card to create a colored Lovelace cards:

Button Card

# configuration.yaml
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: MyButtonCardSensor
    value_template: '{{value.types|join(", ")}}|{{value.daysTo}}|{{"%d.%m.%Y")}}|{{"%a")}}'
# button-card configuration
type: 'custom:button-card'
entity: sensor.mybuttoncardsensor
layout: icon_name_state2nd
show_label: true
label: |
    var days_to = entity.state.split("|")[1]
    if (days_to == 0)
    { return "Today" }
    else if (days_to == 1)
    { return "Tomorrow" }
    { return "in " + days_to + " days" }
show_name: true
name: |
    return entity.state.split("|")[0]
  - color: red
    operator: template
    value: '[[[ return entity.state.split("|")[1] == 0 ]]]'
  - color: orange
    operator: template
    value: '[[[ return entity.state.split("|")[1] == 1 ]]]'
  - value: default

12. Can I also use the Garbage Collection Card instead?

Yes, the Garbage Collection Card can also be used with Waste Collection Schedule:

# configuration.yaml
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: garbage_days
    details_format: appointment_types
    value_template: "{{ value.daysTo }}"
      - Garbage

  - platform: template
        value_template: >
          {% if states('sensor.garbage_days')|int > 2 %}
          {% else %}
            {{ states('sensor.garbage_days')|int }}
          {% endif %}
          next_date: "{{ state_attr('sensor.garbage_days', 'Garbage') }}"
          days: "{{ states('sensor.garbage_days')|int }}"
# garbage-collection-card configuration
entity: sensor.garbage
type: 'custom:garbage-collection-card'

13. How can I sort waste type specific entities?

Prerequisites: You already have dedicated sensors per waste type and want to show the sensor with the next collection in a Lovelace card.

Add add_days_to: True to the configuration of all sensors you want to sort. This will add the attribute daysTo which can be used by e.g. auto-entities to sort entities by day of next collection.

How to add new sources

  1. Create a new source in folder custom_components/waste_collection_schedule/waste_collection_schedule/source with the lower case url of your service provider (e.g. for
  2. Don't forget to add test cases (= sample data to query the service api).
  3. Run script to ensure that your source works.
  4. Add documentation in folder docs/source and add a link to your new source on and


  • A source shall return data for all available waste types. A source shall not provide a configuration option to limit the returned waste types.
  • A source shall return data for the entire available period (including past). A source shall not provide a configuration option to limit the requested period.

Filtering of data for waste types or time periods is a functionality of the framework and shall not be done by a source.

Source Code Example

Example for

import datetime
from waste_collection_schedule import Collection

DESCRIPTION = "Example source for"  # Describe your source
URL = ""    # Insert url to service homepage
TEST_CASES = { # Insert arguments for test cases using script
    "TestName": {"arg1": 100, "arg2": "street"}

class Source:
    def __init__(self, arg1, arg2): # argX correspond to the args dict in the source configuration
        self._arg1 = arg1
        self._arg2 = arg2

    def fetch(self):
        entries = []

                datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 11),
                "Waste Type",

        return entries

See also: custom_components/waste_collection_schedule/waste_collection_schedule/source/


Debugging a source within Home Assistant is not recommended because startup of HA is far too slow for fast debugging cycles.

Instead, there is a test fixture which allows to run a source from the command line. The fixture is a Python script which is located here:


The script uses the test cases defined in the source file and runs the source with the arguments of every test case.

By default (without additional arguments), the script tests every source file in the source folder and prints the number of found entries for every test case.

Example output for abfall_io:

Testing source abfall_io ...
  found 269 entries for Waldenbuch
  found 55 entries for Landshut
  found 101 entries for Schoenmackers
  found 139 entries for Freudenstadt
  found 190 entries for Ludwigshafen am Rhein

The script supports the following options:

Option Argument Description
-s SOURCE Source name (source file name without ending .py)
-l - List all found dates
-i - Add icon name to output. Only effective together with -l.

For debugging purposes of a single source, it is recommended to use the -s SOURCE option.

Example for -s abc_com -l -i


There is some video's on YouTube:


Please note that all these videos are not created by the developer of this component and therefore may by outdated, point in the wrong direction or contain errors. If you have questions, please create an issue here on github. Do not ask your question in the YouTube comments because you may get wrong answers there.


Home Assistant integration framework for (garbage collection) schedules







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