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metal-fetch is a declarative fetch api library for typescript inspired by trpc.

Currently, it's still in development, so it's not recommended for production use.

  1. Define api using f.router function
const api = f.router(BASE_URL, REST_API_STRUCTURE)
  1. Define rest api structure

REST_API_STRUCTURE is the declarative REST api structure.

For example there is an api structure like this:

Book api

  • BASE_URL : /api/v1
  • BASE_URL/books : GET
  • BASE_URL/books : POST
  • BASE_URL/books/:id : GET
  • BASE_URL/books/:id : PUT
  • BASE_URL/books/:id : DELETE
  • BASE_URL/category/:name : GET

then we can define the api like this:

export const api = f.router(BASE_URL, {
    auth: {
        login: {
            GET: f
                // create fetch unit
                // json mode
                // default referrer
                // response parser
                .def_response(({ json }) =>
                    t.union(t.string, t.undefined).parse(json)
    books: {
        GET: f
            .def_response(({ json }) => Model.bookList.parse(json)),
        POST: f
            .def_response(({ json }) =>,
        // /books/:id, dynamic path using $ prefix
        $id: {
            GET: f
                .def_response(async ({ json }) =>,
            PUT: f
                .def_response(({ json }) =>,
            DELETE: f
                .def_response(({ json }) =>,
    category: {
        // /category/:name, dynamic path using $ prefix
        $name: {
            GET: f
                .def_response(({ json }) => Model.bookList.parse(json)),

Note: parser library is your choice, you can use io-ts, zod, joi, etc.

After define the api, we can get the router config type using f.GetRouterConfig type

  • Export the router config type

    export type BookApi = f.GetRouterConfig<typeof api>
  • Use the router config type

    import { BookApi } from './api'
    type Books = BookApi['books']['GET']['response']
    >> Books = Model.bookList
    predefined models:
        Model.bookList = t.array( = t.type({ id: t.number, title: t.string, author: t.string })
    >> typescript type:
    type Books = Array<{ id: number, title: string, author: string }>
  1. Use the api

Middleware support for the router will be available soon.

const books = await api.books.GET.query({
    headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${Auth}`,

const removed = await api.books.$id.DELETE.query({
    headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${Auth}`,
    path: {
        id: removeTarget.uuid,

This is native fetch wrapper, so you can integrate with any state management library like redux, mobx, react-query, etc.


  • Declarative fetch api
  • Middleware support
  • Plugin support (e.g. retry, cache, etc)
  • OpenAPI spec based auto generation support
  • Documentation




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