Parent module to include active modules
Java Thread Affinity - Declaritive binding of threads to individual CPUs. Using in combination with isocpus= on Linux, you can reduce scheduling jitter from 5 ms to 10 micro-seconds.
Java Lang - Low level IO such as 64-bit access to off heap memory. Used by Chronicle and Huge Collections
Java Chroncicle - Low latency IPC. Supports 0.1 micro-second persisted IPC between processes and signle digit persisted replication between machines. Less than 15 micro-seconds between machines, 99% of the time for real messages.
HugeCollections - Off heap hash maps. HugeHashMap is a process private, off heap storage supporting over one billon key-values. SharedHashMap is a the same shared between processes and is persisted. SharedHashMap supports tens of millions operations per second, for hundreds of millions of keys-values, with no GC pressure (trivial garbage produced)
Java Runtime Compiler - Wrapper for the Java Compiler API to support in memory compilation. Give it is String of Java code and it will give you a Class.
OpenHFT recommends;
Other commercial profilers can be used. VisualVM creates too much noise to be useful at this level.